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    Amateur Radio, Astrophotography, photography, Weather
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    North Staffs, UK

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  1. I have ZWO 1,25 filters. Their Oiii filter is awful and it’s the newer variety so avoid!
  2. Well I decided to buy all the gear up front and made a few mistakes along the way but so far have done a minimal amount of visual observing and no AP so when the skies do finally clear I know am due a lot of frustration and a super steep learning curve hence I committed to the ASIAIR as I became weary of sitting on the fence being indecisive. I think the "comfortable with what you already know" issue applies to almost everything from computer languages to gardening. Once we find something that works for us any alternative has to offer very significant benefits to make us unlearn what we know in favour of something new.
  3. Many thanks. Having bought the ASIAIR I guess my default should be to try and use that first. However, I ran USB out to the pier using a 7.5Meter Active USB3 cable so have 4 ports on the pier if I have to resort to PC control. Shame I haven't had any clear skies since I invested in all this gear but I suppose thats sods law. My apologies to everyone for all the rain recently "Mea culpa" Cheers ... Keith
  4. Thanks for the info, my mount has the green rings but the USB must be quite new as when I queried it with the supplier they didn't know it was there - or what it was for. I bought the mount about 6 weeks ago. Cheers ... Keith
  5. Thanks Ron, I will Google EQMOD and see what comes up, I am hoping to get it all working with the ZWO ASIAIR but will check it's compatible with EQMOD first. Yes, none of EQ6-R's I have seen on the net have this USB socket so I guess its a very new addition, shame it doesn't do something useful :. Only had the mount a few weeks from new. Thanks again ... Keith
  6. Hi, I am relatively new to this hobby and have and EQ6-R Pro mount which I would like to be able to control directly from USB. I tried using USB into the socket on the mount - see pic below - but it doesn't work though is fine thru the USB connector on the bottom of the SynScan handset. Manual says the socket is to connect a USB to serial connector but that means I have to go from USB on the PC to serial then back to USB again which seems a bit daft Am I missing something? It's made worse by the fact that the Type B USB socket would need an adapter to go to a standard USB socket which is what the serial to USB interfaces all seem to want. I can handle the complexity of the cable interfacing but seems to be wires hanging off the OTA etc should be as uncomplicated as possible to avoid tangling around things. Cheers ... Keith
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