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Posts posted by adge87

  1. Hello all,    

    In an attempt to master the post-processing aspect of AP, I was playing in photoshop with a stacked image of Bode's Galaxy. As I progressed through, attempting and tweaking various aspects, some strange artefacts began to appear on the image, as seen here.    




    For information, the subs are as follows:    

    41 lights @ 300 seconds, 120 gain, -15 celsius  

    15 Darks @ 300 seconds, 120 gain, -15 celsius  

    15 Flats @ exposure set by APT via the flats aid    


    Relevant Equipment used:    


     Explore Scientific ED80 FCD100 APO    


    An indication of the "marks" or "blemishes" is seemingly visible in the raw sub files, one also attached for reference (https://i.imgur.com/A8ISMaN.png). Although this could be a separate issue and not linked at all!    


    Any clues as to the culprit of this? Is it a smudge/blemish on the lens of the telescope, for example?    


    Many thanks

  2. Hi folks,


    I'm looking to purchase my first scope to open the doorway to Astrophotography. I've seemingly narrowed it down to two choices:

     > Skywatcher Esprit 80 ED APO

    > Explore Scientific ED 80mm Deluxe FCD-100

    Does anyone have any experience of either and/or both, and provide any thoughts as to which would be better for a starting AP telescope?

    The Espirt is ~£100 more expensive, but both are within the budget I've allocated myself (and had clearance from the wife for!). I've also set aside some cash for an appropriate flattener, so I've considered that already.


    I have heard, and am aware, of mount first, scope second. I've got an AVX, and I am aware of the reports of this mount for AP, but for now, I'm likely to be stuck with the AVX unless I'm able to trade it in or sell it to free up extra funds to replace it, likely with the HEQ5? However, for now, I'm 'stuck with it', so I'll have to grin and bear it. But I am aware, ideally, a new mount will be needed.

    However, for the time being, I'm curious as to which would be the better scope of the two - or even if there are any other options I'd perhaps not considered?

    Any feedback or assistance in helping me choose the right scope would be much appreciated. Naturally, I want to make sure I get this right, and hopefully get a good few years success out of the scope (if not the mount...!) before upgrading down the line. If it helps, it'll be for DSO imaging. I have a 8SE that I intend to use for any planetary imaging, etc. Not sure if this makes a difference?


    Thanks in advance,



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