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Moons a balloon

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Posts posted by Moons a balloon

  1. CA4A121B-9FD7-47C0-9554-05385AAA5FC1.jpeg.dfb312633a7060eee6b5cbf7a7a8bcc8.jpegThanks everyone for your advice, problem now solved.  The issue was that big lumpy bolt at the back is hollow and holds a spring which sits inside the bolt and then mates with the shiny tube (circled in red).  The issue was the spring was bent therefore the tube would not slide into the nut. (Hope this all makes sense).  Thanks again.

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  2. 2 hours ago, DaveL59 said:

    can you confirm if the cable you moved to RA works fully and the RA one onto the DEC still has limited turn?

    The cable is just that, so unless it's not crimped properly and is just rotating in the collet there's no difference to which spindle you fit it to. Mine have lock screws to clamp them onto the spindle.

    You should note too that the DEC axis has a limit to the amount it will rotate where RA you can just keep on turning. You might be at the mechanical limit of the DEC and need to unwind it back to the centre, then release the locking clutch, reposition the OTA and lock, then go again from there. This pic of my SW EQ2 may help illustrate what I'm saying.




    Hi Dave, I can confirm the cable has a screw to tighten it and it’s all good 👍.  I’ve since got some more info from the person I purchased the mount from and he also noticed this issue and unbolted  the nut at the back in an attempt to fix it 😩.  See pic below.

    Also added another pic to reflect Daves.






  3. Hi everyone, I have an EQ2 mount and believe I have an issue with the connection of the DEC flexible control cable.  I’m only getting about a quarter of a turn compared with R.A cable.  I have swapped the cables over and the issue is definitely the connection of the DEC cable. I’ve spoken to someone at the local Astro club and they have said that there is a spring in the connection but they don’t know anything else.  Can anyone suggest how I can fix this please?



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