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Everything posted by grigo

  1. Freescale MK20DX256ZVLK10 ARM MCU. Dirkn wrote this in his first post above.
  2. Hello everyone. I know this is an old thread, but it so happens that problems like these don't get old very fast. I am trying to help someone who has exactly the same problem: a burned microcontroller on the motor board of an AVX. I have done a bit of searching and dirkn's posts are so far the most useful things I happened to find across the internet about this problem. So far the my guy has tried sending his board to different repair shops. They said "we can't fix your board because the software on the microcontroller is proprietary and we don't have it". I don't know if this was true 3 years ago but here's the firmware: http://software.celestron.com/updates/?dir=CFM/AdvancedVX I sent the link to a couple of repair shops asking if they can fix the board and it's been radio silence since... So I tool the matter in my own hands. I found someone with a hot air station to be able to exchange the chip. So now my main problem is to make sure I find out what to use to be able to program the controller on the board. Dirkn, are you still there? Please? Do you know of a combination of software/programmer that would work on this controller? I found some programmers and software but I couldn't find this MCU in any programmer's supported list. I had the same problem with my own mount (yeah, I burned the MC of my HEQ5) but PICs are way easier to program, there are dozens of programs that have long lists of controllers supported, among which I could either find my own or the same family. It's been a different story with this controller though. So if anyone knows how to use the SWD port on the board to program the controller please, let me know. Thank you.
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