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The Wondering Yoda

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Posts posted by The Wondering Yoda

  1. My one, and to my utter regret, only, contact with that wonderful, and charming man, was over the phone, as I was attempting to buy a eyepiece, and finderscope, adapters for a telescope than came to me via ways that, ahem, I am not quite honestly sure of, except that it came in a well fitted, abet marine ply, wooden box. After much archaeology on the interwebs, turns out was sold by Dixons a very long time ago, possibly late '70s - early '80s, and the box was indeed orginal to the 'scope ...

    Dispite my burblings over the 'phone, he knew exactly what I needed, as a) the finderscope is missing, and the orginal adapter plate is as good as useless, and b) no one makes eyepiece lenses the size of the orginal ones any more ...

    Worse, when the promised delivery date was due, the package never turned up; the problem is I live at an address which is close by another similar, except I am 3AP, and theirs is 3AR ... so after much to-ing and fro-ing at the time (date on the invoice reads 05 June 2014), I finally got hold of said items. I rang him to say my thanks, and sadly that was the last I spoke to him ...

    I had hoped to buy a few more pieces off of him soon, but it wasn't until I typed him in to google that I found this conversation; and hence me signing up, and this, my very first post here.

    From my ancient memory, he sounded like a very kind-hearted, and generious man, despite the vagaries of Royal Mail; had my fiscal situation not changed in '15, I may well have spent quite a few pennies in his on-line store in getting my 'scope back towards its second, proper, 'first light' ... in fact, he reminded me of Heinz Wolf, whom I had the pleasure of knowing ... 

    So, despite my 'brief encounter', nevertheless, he left a very lasting impression with me, and to hear both him and his wife passing, so close to each other as well, is just utterly  tragic ...

    As cliché as this sounds, next time I look up at Orion, I will think of him, and his beloved wife, being up there, especially in amongst  M42 / NGC 1976 ...

    Fair thee well, Kieron; I hardly knew ye ...

    [Would calling a 'backyard' telescope the Kieron/Heinz Telescope be a bit weird ...?] 

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