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Posts posted by RythmTech

  1. On 11/10/2018 at 08:12, astropicbeginner said:

    Hi..... I'm very new to all this but I'm having a go.... I've downloaded both Registax and Autostakkert 2.... And now I'm stuck!!! I cannot find any straightforward instructions... I have taken a sample video to start myself off (mars...!).... Registax will accept the video but I'm not exactly sure what to do.... Autostakkert will not accept any video I try to upload, also the analyse option is seemingly unavailable to me (which I'm reasonably sure is because I cannot get a video clip uploaded...) 

    I was originally working with .mov files but I converted one to .avi, which Registax then accepted and will do... things....(!).... but Autostakkert will still not open.... 

    I'm sure I'm missing something simple, all advice will be very gratefully received!

    Thanks in advance!

    I found the tutorial on page 1 pretty comprehensive... Did you run the video through PiPP first? That worked for me. Just re-read through the tutorial and make sure you follow each step.


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