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Everything posted by Sylak

  1. I bought a astromaster 130 eq this spring. I got it at costco and they included the accessories kit with eyepieces and filters, so a really good deal ( I save 100$ compareew to buying the same item on amazon!). I like the scope. Of course the mount is not super stable and has coupe of cheap thing but for less than 300$ CND it's great. But I the fact that celestron couldn't make the redo dot findert to actually Work was beyond me. It totally useless. I wwas looking for good finder scope. I was looking around the intertubes to find a solution and I find this post! This will save me money and lot of frustration. Lucky for me I work IT at a university and the engineering department has 3D printers, and we can make them print us stuff! I'll will use those files. Thank you very much.
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