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Everything posted by cengelbracht

  1. Same error. Found one distributor of a revised board here: http://www.highpointscientific.com/celestron-motor-board-for-advanced-vx-mount-nxw445 Probably could be found for cheaper though. However, you inspired me to take a pass at troubleshooting my board and found C25 to be shorted internally. C25 seems to be part of U10's circuit, the larger of the two voltage regulators. Since it is the larger of the two voltage regulators, I'm assuming for the moment that it powers the motors. And it not working properly is causing the 16/17 error. Anyways, made an account here and the other place I found some good leads to hopefully resurrect my mount and others who found there way here. I'll post an update once I replace the cap. Here is my other good lead: https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/501992-celestron-engineering-concerns/page-2
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