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Derbyshire Dave

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Posts posted by Derbyshire Dave

  1. On 29/04/2021 at 18:18, fwm891 said:

    If you're using an OAG have you set the scopes focal length in PHD2?        Red Brain / Guiding...

    phd2 fL.jpg

    Yes, focal length in PHD2 is set correctly, but your comment has made me wonder whether the guide star tracking parameters are correct?

    This is the set up for the LX200 1260mm FL..


    For my GT81 with reducer (focal length main scope 380 mm, guide scope 300mm) I have


    Should my guide star tracking parameters be significantly different because my FL is significantly different?



  2. On 29/04/2021 at 06:23, iapa said:

    It feels like SGPro is waiting for PHD2 to settle in it’s guiding.

    Daft question, but have you perhaps reinstalled PHD2 and not enabled server (Tools | Enable server)? That would prevent SGPro to get feed back from PHD2.


    Enable Server is definitely ticked..

  3. Re-calibrated the guiding, started PHD2 but did not start it looping. Started the SGPro sequence.. this started PHD2 into looping mode, I watched it auto choose a star, and then start guiding. Unfortunately this wasn't communicated back to SGP, or SGP did not register the fact, and so it just sat there saying:-


    And the sequence never started. BUT -when I went into PHD and stopped the looping, SGP immediately recognixed this and stopped the sequence..



  4. Yeah, I definitately have. Just been out and tried with the GT81 gear, it did work, but only after a sunstancial re-calibration. As I understand it, each calibration should be maintained as you change PHD2 profiles.

    So, LX200 is back on the mount, I'll do a complete re-cal, followed by a guiding assistant. Then try again.

  5. 38 minutes ago, iapa said:

    Looking at these, the only thing that comes to mind right now is whether the PHD2 profiles have been rename.

    So, using your second image above, could you try clicking refresh to check the existing profiles?

    Good thought. I did the refresh, the name was correct. Interestingly SGP opened PHD2 to do that, so there must be communications between the two. Setting up outside now with the GT81 setup, I'll report back.

    Appreciate your help

  6. 42 minutes ago, iapa said:

    I was wondering what the equipment profile you are using looks like.

    Can you show us screen shots?

    Sure.. Appreciate you asking..

      The SGP LX200 profile looks like this.. (Guiding tab first) ( I have tried with and without dither)


    Under PHD settings, I have this..LX200_OAG is the correct PHD2 profile


    Other tabs are..









  7. My usual telescope is a William Optics GT81, which I use with a ZWO ASI120mc guide camera and a separate guide scope. For galaxy season, I am now using a Meade LX200 SCT with a ZWO 174mm as the guide camera on an off axis guider.

    Gear other than that is the same ZWO ASI183mm mono cooled camera, ZWO EFW filter wheel, Losmandy GM8 mount.

    I have controlled the the GT81 setup with SGPro and the GT81 for a couple of years now, and had no issues, SGPro controls PHD2 properly, starting and stopping the guiding process correctly.


    It's taken me a while to get used to the LX200, and originally I controlled it with APT (Astro Photography Tool). But have now migrated to SGPro. I have separate PHD2 profiles for the two telescopes, and separate SGP equipment profiles, the guiding part of which calls up the relevant PHD2 profile.

    If I start PHD2 stand alone, with the LX200 profile , the guiding works fine. But if start the SGP sequence (with the right SGP Profile), it slews to near the target correctly, plate solves for the auto centre process, then says "Starting Auto Guider".. but it never does, and the sequence doesn't start. It does the same whether the guiding has been already been started independantly or not. If PHD is alread stared I can see that it is actually guiding correctly, so it's not an issue that it can't find a star or anything like that.

     It seems purely to be an issue of the two programs not communicating.

    I haven't yet reverted to trying the GT81 setup, I'll try that next time out (maybe tonight!)

    Has anyone any suggestions as to how to diagnose, or fix the problem..




  8. 2 hours ago, MartinB said:

    I used to image with this reducer along with an SX AO unit and a qsi 532 camera.  A longer and heavier train than yours Dave.  Ccd inspector confirmed a small amount of tilt but I never had internal reflections.  Lots of people have used a similar set up successfully and I certainly think it better to use an oag at this focal length.  With your small pixels, even binned, you are better off with the reducer if you can make it work!  

    Now you've spotted a likely reflection source you can hopefully sort it.

    Thanks Martin. I hadn't heard of CCD inspector.

    I'm not sure I have spotted a reflection source, just that if you are off centre in anyway, you can see that sort of circle. Can't see that I can do anything about them, will try and see if I can reduce the droop, if that's what it is.. Probably going to do a daytime test tomorrow, removing the focuser and see if I can adjust and get focus with the 'peg' mirror focuser. Same thread on both, so that will work. Just a little bit of extra infornation to the jigsaw.


  9. 29 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

    You can get it closer, you just need to use T2 thread spacers to fine tune the stopping point for the OAG as it screws to the filter wheel. You need to OAG turret to stop tight at the 'thin edge' of the filter wheel (as per pic).

    Is there any shiny surfaces or edges on the inside of any of the kit in the imaging train? 


    if I look down the back of the reducer, with my eye slightly off center, I can circular surface akin to what might be appearing in the picture, so yes there are..

  10. 43 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    They are internal reflections but from where, I wouldn't like to say. To be honest, the sheer length of 'stuff' after the end of the drawtube really is a fundamental problem in this setup. As well as the internal reflections you have extreme and asymmetrical vignetting (top left in the image posted). When the leverage against the focuser is as long as this you have little hope of keeping the chip square on to the light path. I'm sure it isn't what you want to hear but I see this setup as fundamentally flawed. If I'm wrong, and others have made such a system work, I'll stand corrected.



    Thanks Olly. I've never done this sort of thing before. My usual setup is a GT81 with a parallel guide scope.

    I can believe what you say, if I look down the back of the reducer, with my eye slightly off center, I can circular surface akin to what might be appearing in the picture.

    I have a fundamental problem, but if I shorten things a lot, will I not have an incorrect back focal length

  11. I have a Meade Lx200, and a Celestron f6.3 reducer, connected to my ZWO ASI183 camera via some spacers and an off axis guider.


    I get weird circular marks on the images, which appear to be some sort of reflections. There are several of these ‘circles’ of varying intensities in the image below. Tackling different targets results in these circles being seen at different points and intensities in the image.

    M51 with bad circles


    So the equipment is:

    Meade Lx200, with two stage focuser attached,

    Celestron f6.3 reducer

    Some spacers

    ZWO OAG2 off axis guider

    ZWO EFW filter wheel

    ZWO ASI 183mm mono camera.

    Guide camera is a ZWO 174


    With the F6.3 reducer I believe that the back focal distance is 105mmm. I have tried various arrangements with distances from about 115 down to the latest, below, which has a back focus of about 95mm.

    LX200 Setup 95mm back focus


    I have tried so many iterations that I am beginning to confuse myself, but I think I tried without the OAG and had no circles. I have tried removing the prism from the OAG, and taping up the hole to stop light entry, but in that case I still get the circles.


    I am unsure how close the OAG should be to the filter wheel, but realistically it can’t go any closer because the holder for the guide camera is very nearly touching the filter wheel already.


    I was wondering if any of you has seen anything like this, and can offer any advice on how I might try and track down this problem..






  12. Just now, Derbyshire Dave said:

    Thanks for the opportunity to have a go with this data guys.

    Processing started in PixInsight, some noise reduction using MLT with a starmask on each layer, and then layers each stretched to a similar extent using the histogram tool.

    Channels combined using channel combination.

    This RGB image, Ha and luminance files (all stretched) saved as TIFF files for use in PS.

    Main RGB image colour balanced in PS, then Ha added a an RGB layer in screen mode.

    Luminance then added, a final tiny bit of star reduction, tiny bit of selective sharpening on the core.


    Thanks for looking..


    M33LumDFPost.tif 34.64 MB · 0 downloads

    Whoops, meant to add the jpg, not tif.



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  13. Thanks for the opportunity to have a go with this data guys.

    Processing started in PixInsight, some noise reduction using MLT with a starmask on each layer, and then layers each stretched to a similar extent using the histogram tool.

    Channels combined using channel combination.

    This RGB image, Ha and luminance files (all stretched) saved as TIFF files for use in PS.

    Main RGB image colour balanced in PS, then Ha added a an RGB layer in screen mode.

    Luminance then added, a final tiny bit of star reduction, tiny bit of selective sharpening on the core.


    Thanks for looking..



  14. On 12/11/2020 at 10:10, old_eyes said:

    One of the values of this excellent project is giving us good data to practice our skills on. How about a mosaic? Just two panes would help us get into this skill. Not sure if they fit, but Heart or Rosette nebulas would be excellent.

    Yeah, I agree, a mosaic would be a great chane ofr us all to improve our skills.

    • Like 1
  15. The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888
    Taken last month from my home in Derbyshire.
    I know that the Crescent generally gets framed dead centre, but I wanted to try out a more quirky composition and pick up on some of the interesting nebulosity in the region in the rest of the frame..
    Five minute exposures, 38Ha, 25Oiii and 23Sii. Stacked with flats and darkflats in DSS, processed in PixInsight and Photoshop..
    William Optics GT81 with field flattener, ZWO ASI 183MM cooled camera, Losmandy GM8 mount, guiding with PHD2 via ZWO 120mc.


    • Like 1
  16. Hi,

     Wonderful data, thank you so much..

     Processed this primarily in PixInsight, finished off in Photoshop. Images from the three filters were sretched and then made starless with Starnet. Combined using SHO_AIP script, to a coloured starlesss image. Luminance layer created from the Ha alone. Coloured and luminance layers converted to Tiff format and combined in Photoshop. Bit of colour adjustment and a tiny bit of selective sharpening added.



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  17. Hi,

      I've been really imressend with the recent Crescent and M16 data, and have enjoyed having a go at it.

      I think it would be really useful to a lot of people to release some LRGB data on popular targets such as M31,  M81/M82 and M45.

      Maybe not even a competition, but there must be a lot of members who are not yet doing narrowband, to whom having some good LRGB data would be very welcome..

  18. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing the data, it's excellent.

    Processing started off in Pixinsight with star alignment, channel combination and some basic histogram stretching as 32 bit data.

    Then switched to Photoshop. Added a threshold layer and used the color sampler to find the darkest point of the image, then used that to help balance the colour channels.

    A little bit of HLVG to tone down the green, then added a hubble palette tweak with selective colour.  Stretching using curves. Tiny tad of selective sharpening on the main nebula.


    SGL Data Crescent Nebula


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