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Posts posted by MarkyB

  1. Okay, that's something to think about. I do use a laptop for the imaging, Backyard EOS. Polar alignment is through the polar scope and, according to the reticule, I'm getting good at it, especially since I swapped my camera tripod for the proper Skywatcher one. I do check the alignment a few times during an hours session and Polaris is normally sitting nicely on the correct circle now. Although I will check the polar scope is not off slightly.

    The mount was second hand and I have recently smoothed the the clutch plate as I had a sticky point when rotating (plus a couple of small debris dings to the surface).

    I'll certainly check out the Sharp Cap Pro and learn about plate solving as this is not a process that I have used/needed to learn about so far.

    I've been interested in astrophotography (static camera shots) for a few years now but only had a tracking mount since Christmas, so still very new to me.

  2. Hi All,

    I have been able to buy my first scope, WO Z61ii (2020) to go on my Star Adventurer Pro (flattener on order), to couple to my Canon EOS (Baader modded 450D or unmodded 700D). My issue is that I can only get images as long as 40-45 seconds before star trailing appears. So I am looking for a guiding solution at the cheaper end of the scale due to budget constraints (sub £100 if possible). I know the solution won't be as great as a larger budget but I'd like to get some thoughts advice on what is possible. I could only just get the scope approved by the "in-house bank manager" so a mount upgrade is out of the question for now, but definitely on the cards.

    Can I use a OAG? What OAG? Other budget constrained solutions?

    This would also need to be weight conscious as I think I only have about 500g additional weight to play with.

    I don't mind if the solution is a little Heath Robinson.



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