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Blog Entries posted by Alien

  1. Alien
    Hello, all. I am a new member here - just joined. Please could somebody offer advice on the following:
    I would like to be able to control a GOTO mount remotely via PC, probably using Stellarium ASCOM connection. Then, have a live streamed image from the eyepiece using some sort of digital camera. I have done some reading and the Watec and Mintron devices look ideal. They claim to give live feed colour images, even of deep sky objects. If the images posted are to be believed they are full colour images of nebulae, galaxies etc etc.
    My questions are:
    - how does the quality of the live image compare to visually looking down a decent eyepiece?
    - can feint objects such as galaxies and nebulae be imaged in full colour as claimed?
    - what is the difference between Watec/Mintron and other cameras such as Imaging Source because both use a 1/2" CCD chip.
    - in your opinion, is this the best way to achieve what I am setting out to do (above), or could there be a better way?
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