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Everything posted by PepeChambo

  1. Comet C/2018 N2 (ASASSN) image on August 10, 2019 with more resolution. With a slight increase of brightness until magnitude 12.5 its appearance barely has changed with its 1 arcminute coma which contains a sharp central condensation and its curved dust tail with more that 5 arcminutes lenght. As always, data and image at better quality: https://cometografia.es/2018n2-asassn-20190810/
  2. Comet C/2018 N2 (ASASSN) imaged on August 3, 2019, with a visual magnitude near 13 the comet shows its curved dust tail with an angular lenght of some 7 arcminutes. The brightest star into field is Omicron Arietis with a brightnes of magnitude 6. Data and image in better quality: https://cometografia.es/2018n2-asassn-20190803/
  3. This comet has a low condensation and is hard to observe. Next month will be more bright and I think a bit more easy.
  4. Comet C/2018 W2 (Africano) imaged on August 9, 2019 when was passing near star open cluster IC 361, located in Camelopardalis and containing about 60 stars between magnitudes 11 and 18. In this image the external coma appears very faint and with an angular size of only 2 arcminutes, elongated at anti-solar direction (toward west). Visual observations on these date reported the comet with a magnitude arond 11. Data and image at better quality: https://cometografia.es/2018w2-africano-20190809/
  5. Comet C/2018 N2 (ASASSN) was discovered a year ago and will reach perihelion next month of November, but will not go much inside the Solar System and will not shine more higher than magnitude 11. In this image taken on July 12, 2019 the comet is at magnitude 13, have not very gassy appearance but is already showing a nice dust tail. The brightest star is at magnitude 7 highlighting also in upper part the spiral galaxy NGC 1024, the bigest, although at least fifty small galaxies can be seen in this field with only 37 square arcminutes. Credits: Martin VD, Nirmal Paul and Pepe Chambó. Data and image at better quality: http://cometografia.es/2018n2-asassn-20190707/
  6. Comet C/2018 W2 (Africano) imaged on July 10, 2019. New image of a serial that I am taking with different equipments, with purpose of compare outcomes. Data and image at better quality: http://cometografia.es/2018w2-africano-20190710/
  7. A comet with binoculars could be a luxury nowadays. Thanks Dave.
  8. Comet C/2018 W2 (Africano) is the next comet relatively bright which could reach visual magnitude near 8.5 this September. In this image taken on July 7, 2019 has a brightness in magnitude 12 approximately, and a greenish coma with an angular size of 1.5' and a strong condensation. Data and image at better quality: http://cometografia.es/2018w2-africano-20190707/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comet C/2018 W2 (Africano) on July 9th 2019, showing a coma with 3' of angular size. This comet seems having more activity since some days ago and could be observable with binoculars on September. Data and image at better quality: http://cometografia.es/2018w2-africano-20190709/
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