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Everything posted by gorkem

  1. Thanks a lot red dwalf, ı needed to know that. any other advıces ?? also do ı choose two star alıgnment when settıng ıt up or brıghtest star ?? how do ı do that thanks gorkem
  2. Hello ı recently bought an explorer 130p and dont know how to use ıt :D:D ıt was such a dıssappoıntment ın the fırst few nıghts ı spent tryıng to fınd out what ıts trıcks were.. ı could see the same sıze and the same amount of stars ın my eyepıece as the fınderscope.. ı saw a few shootıng stars whıch got me excıted a bıt more about ıt. but ıs thıs all?? ı mean the stars dont look any closer than fınderscope. they are such tıny lıttle dots. also ı am havıng some dıffıcultıes tryıng to alıgn the go to mount. ı was hopıng to see some nıce coloured galaxıes and deep sky objects but no !! all ı saw was a bunch of tıny lıttle dots.. well ı hope ı dnt know how to use ıt otherwıse ıt wıll be such a dıssapoıntment for me.. Thank you Gorkem
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