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Posts posted by jimmcwibb

  1. My camera does this even for the less than 30 second exposures..? So the length of time it takes to "process" is the issue at hand, not the automatic noise reduction itself? I thought the noise reduction was messing up peoples astrophotography photos/star trails in the over 30 second exposures? If not, will I be able to get by with this camera doing longer than 30 second astrophotography exposures? Waiting for the photos to "process" is kind of annoying, but if thats all the problem is at hand then I'm not sure I need to worry about rushing out and and switching it for an a6000. 

    Are you sure it happens in continuous drive mode? I've tested it thoroughly, the camera doesn't "process" (take a long exposure nose reduction dark) when in continuous drive mode. I tested it in manual and shutter priority modes.

    Oh and there isn't a way to set the camera up for like a 5 minute exposure or something? Id rather not have to hold my finger on the shutter for 5 minutes, and it doesn't seem like theres a feature to "lock" the shutter down on the Sony PlayMemories App. i was trying to avoid having one of the shutter control buttons wired to my camera/dangling from the tripod.

    Have you tried the timelapse app? You might have to investigate wired intervalometers. But you will get a LENR after each exposure... no matter what.

    My camera does this even for the less than 30 second exposures..? So the length of time it takes to "process" is the issue at hand, not the automatic noise reduction itself? I thought the noise reduction was messing up peoples astrophotography photos/star trails in the over 30 second exposures? If not, will I be able to get by with this camera doing longer than 30 second astrophotography exposures? Waiting for the photos to "process" is kind of annoying, but if thats all the problem is at hand then I'm not sure I need to worry about rushing out and and switching it for an a6000. 

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  2. Hi all,

    Just registered to say this. The long exposure noise reduction is easily avoided by using continuous shooting mode, which works up to the maximum 30 second exposure. It even works for just one exposure. Obviously this work around doesn't work in bulb mode. So the only thing this limitation will really affect is star trails, if that's your thing. But for stacked exposures there's no reason to not use the a5100.

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