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Everything posted by Praetor6554

  1. Ola, 1) - when you first set up you need to give it time to get all its positional data from GPS satellites. Doesn't take long no more than 10 mins. 2) - when you align on your stars make sure they centred (there are gizmos for uber precision and cheaper fixes involving cotton) - if your alignment stars are not centred then you will always be off - 3) - avoid straight lines 4) - use two star align - it's faster - you just have to know two named stars (or planet) use two that are a reasonable distance apart (again avoid straight lines) - if you are going to be viewing a while go for the Westerly most objects. 5) - If - like me you decided to override the stupid computer and put in your lat and long and time (just look how fast things move and even seconds adrift will show you how you can end up pointing where Jupiter was 1 minute ago or where it will be in 20 seconds) there is a remedy to our folly.... Factory reset when you power on - you will be prompted to turn off and on again. This gets rid of the mess. Do this while you are getting bits ready - by the time you have everything ready to go and have a cup of tea the GPS will be set - and you won't look back. Hope that helps
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