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Everything posted by thethriller

  1. thethriller

    What star patterns are these?

    just want to find out what these stars are ?
  2. thethriller


    From the album: What star patterns are these?

    These ones were taken 2 months before the first one but It was taken on December 5th at around 2-2.30am London Greenwich time and i was just curious to know if anyone could tell me what those three stars are apart of are they in ur galaxy are they apart of some weird space image the romans made up? how many light years they are away from earth etc =D if anyone can tell me this you are awesome
  3. thethriller


    From the album: What star patterns are these?

    Taken on the 6th of february at 10 to 6pm London Greenwich time. I was curious to know why there was this big bright star at that time just before the sun went completely down. If anyone could tell me what, where and why it was there so bright at that time it would be much appreciated. Oh yeah and I saw a plane moving at the same time so i know it wasn't a plane it looked like star i was just curious to know why it was so bright at such an early time.
  4. thethriller

    Moon 9 Enhanced

    how do i upload a photograph?
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