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Everything posted by perdrix

  1. If you have installed DeepSkyStacker 5.1.6 and it won’t startup, then it is likely that you have hit a problem caused by another application’s install procedure overwriting msvcp140.dll with a back-level version. If this is the case, then you will find that the log file in “My Documents\DeepSkyStacker” contains lines like: 00000030 2024/06/19 21:30:57.010 028564 00003520 >00007FFC81353020 (MSVCP140): (filename not available): Thrd_yield 00000030 2024/06/19 21:30:57.010 028564 00003520 > 00000031 2024/06/19 21:30:57.011 028564 00003520 >C:\Users\amonra\Documents\GitHub\DSS\DeepSkyStackerKernel\Workspace.cpp (456): Workspace::Workspace The solution to this problem is to download the latest version of the Visual C++ re-distributable (vc_redist) for x64 from: https://aka.ms/vs/17..._redist.x64.exe and running it, selecting the “Repair” option. For more details of the issue please see: https://stackoverflo...t-visual-studio David
  2. I've just released DeepSkyStacker 5.1.6 which is primarily a bug fix release. You can get it from here: https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/5.1.6 where you will also find details of the significant changes. Enjoy David Partridge
  3. I'll do some digging on the exact requirements for W10 and update the instructions - the ones I gave were for W11.
  4. My bad - I thought that applied to W10 as well. Developer mode should allow the install if you can't install otherwise.
  5. When DeepSkyStacker 5.1.5 is installed it places TWO ICONS on your desktop. One for DeepSkyStacker, the other for DeepSkyStackerLive (different applications). Try opening DeepSkyStacker rather than DeepSkyStackerLive. Why would you struggle to uninstall - just go to the Control Panel/Programs and Features.
  6. https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/5.1.5 Here's the gory details: Welcome to DeepSkyStacker 5.1.5 This release supersedes DeepSkyStacker 5.1.4 Only 64 bit versions of Windows 10 and later are supported in this release. If you need a version of DeepSkyStacker that will run on older versions of Windows or on 32 bit versions, you should use DeepSkyStacker 4.2.6: https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/4.2.6 To run the downloaded executable: RIght-click on DSS-Setup.exe after you have downloaded it and select Properties. At the bottom of the first tab you will see a message saying: Select "Unblock", and click on OK. You should then be able to run the installer. Known problems: When the image exposure is less than 1ms and double-click to edit is used, if the user clicks away from the editor, then the exposure is set to zero. This requires too much work to fix in this release, as we will need to implement our own edit control. Changes since DeepSkyStacker 5.1.4 Write Intermediate TIFF format files with COMPRESSION_NONE. Final output files will still be compressed. Remove any .stackinfo.txt files that already exist when re-registering images. This prevents incorrect registration of images when changing stacking settings and de-Bayer settings. Change Raw/FITS DDP settings so that the Bayer transformation (Bilinear/AHD/Drizzle/SuperPixel) on the two tabs “mirror one another”. That’s to say if you change those settings on the FITS tab, then the RAW tab is also changed and vice-versa. There are no longer separate settings for the Bayer transformation for RAW and FITS (which has caused problems in the past). Bug fix: Revert change to create masters as float - it caused incompatibility problems. Changes for DeepSkyStacker 5.1.4 Upgrade CFITSIO library to 4.2.0 Always create a trace file in the DeepSkyStacker sub-folder of the user's Documents folder. The file will be called e.g. DSSTrace_yyyy-mm-ddThh-hh-ssZ.log where the timestamp is GMT (UTC) time. The trace file will be deleted on normal application exit, but retained in the event of an exception. An option is provided to keep the file. Add both Main Group and Group 1 at startup. Initial code changes for Qt 6.5.1 Dark/Light Theme support Add an option to turn off beeps on completion of registering/stacking. Toolbar display improved (no square boxes round active/hovered buttons). Upgrade libtiff to 4.5.0 Add code to handle TIFF tags TIFFTAG_CFAREPEATPATTERNDIM and TIFFTAG_CFAPATTERN when processing TIFF files in CFA format. These tags are defined in the TIFF/EP standard. Add code to handle EXIF tag EXIFTAG_CFAPATTERN which is defined in the EXIF standard. This allows automatic detection of the CFA pattern needed to decode the file. The only files that DSS writes as TIFF in CFA format are some of the master files. All other TIFF output files will remain RGB. Change compression of TIFF format master files to use PKZIP Deflate instead of no compression. Change default compression for saving images to PKZIP Deflate (was NONE). Convert DeepSkyStackerLive to Qt. Use floating point instead of 16-bit fixed point for master files. Old master files will still work. Prevent undocked sidebar and image list windows from being closed (never to be seen again). Suppress warning message "ZIPEncode: Encoder error: buffer error." when writing TIFF files. Remove Microsoft CGI+ dependency for loading jpeg and png images. FITS output files didn't contain the number of images in the stack. Save this using FITS keyword NCOMBINE, also report the number of images when loading FITS images. Bug fix: Correct code for reading floating point FITS files (the value was incorrectly normalised - e.g.: 256.0 was read back as 259.996). Bug fix: Value of FITS SOFTWARE keyword in output file truncated after first character. Bug fix: Unable to stack images with no stars when using Alignment set to "No Alignment". Improve handling for FITS DATE-OBS keyword. DATE-OBS in the output file will now be set to the value of DATE-OBS from the first input file or, failing that, the creation timestamp or last modification timestamp of the file whichever is earlier. Processing/Save picture to file... did not preserve FITS keywords when the final autosave file was written as a FITS file. Bug fix: Delete key to delete images from the list didn't update the information lines. Bug fix: Clear list didn't reset the status bar message. Work around for Qt bug (QTBUG-46620) with restoring application position and size when re-opening the application after it was closed when maximised. Mouse wheel zooming worked the opposite way from most other applications, now changed to be compatible. Extend exposure time edit control to 4 decimal places instead of 3. Check lights when loaded using either "Open picture files" or using Drag/Drop. Correct Intermediate Files tab of Stacking parameters. "Create a calibrated file ..." and "Create a registered/calibrated file ..." were inadvertently switched when porting the code for version 5. Bug fix: Saving the intermediate calibrated image in de-Bayered format resulted in a corrupt file. The comet position interpolation code has been re-written by Martin Toeltsch (thank you Martin). Now you need only to: o Mark the position of the centre of the comet in 2 light frames with a large temporal distance (ideally the first and the last light frame in chronological order). o Marking the comet centre in additional light frames can potentially improve the results. Change some of the colours used when the Windows Dark Theme is in use so that they are easier to read. Revert change made for number 26 - QTimeEdit doesn't work right with 4 decimals. Bug fix: Magnifying glass over image area was still displayed when mouse was moved directly to another window. Bug fix: Selecting/Deselecting "Create a calibrated file for each light frame" should also Enable/Disable "Save a debayered image..." Bug fix: Unable to cancel Registering or Stacking because the ProgressDlg was disabled (it had the wrong parent). Bug fix: Save/Restore of docked window sizes (Explorer Bar, Picture List) wasn't working. Update zlib to 1.3 (from 1.2.11). Bug fix: Switching away from Settings/Output tab and then switching back reset the values to status quo ante. Bug fix: Output file name when using file list name as the output name was incorrectly set to (e.g.) Batch1.tif when using a file list with a name Batch1.xxx.dssfilelist Clear image list at end of batch stacking. Upgrade CFITSIO library to 4.3.0 Bug fix: If a recommended setting is clicked to activate it the revised recommendations are appended to the browser when it should be cleared before they are displayed. Bug fix: DSS-CL: If an output file is named specifically with the /O: parameter, this output file is always used. If it is omitted, it will generate a unique output file instead. Bug fix: DSS-CL: If the compression level for a TIFF file is set via the /OCx parameter, this is now honoured. Bug fix: When registering a set of images with different exposure times, the progress dialogue restarted counting at 1 and the progress bar was reset to 0 for each different exposure. The estimated time for completion got completely confused, and the progress bar reached 100% a number of times. Bug fix: Prevent TIFF code issuing TIFFSetField: D:/dss.tif: Unknown pseudo-tag 65557, by only setting TIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY if compression is set to COMPRESSION_DEFLATE. Change the minimum update interval for the progress dialog to 0.1s (was 1s). Bug fix: Units on the Processing pane's Luminance tab were displayed incorrectly as Å° instead of °. Bug fix: Deadlock in DSSLive when stacking FITS files because CFITSReader::Read() didn't issue an End2() call to match the Start2() call. Bug fix: Null pointer passed to XYSeries::append() by ChartTab.cpp. Some code tidyups as well. Add "How To" information to the help for the image editor built into DeepSkyStacker. This includes a short screen capture movie. Resolve problem of clipped controls on processing page when the native language is set to Japanese.
  7. To anyone who's downloaded and installed this, I will be releasing 5.1.5 very shortly as I need to resolve a problem with master darks, flats etc. that was introduced in 5.1.4. I will post again when it is available, and you should install the new release to replace 5.1.4. My apologies for the inconvenience. David
  8. I've just made the full release of DeepSkyStacker 5.1.4 available. It includes good stuff like support for Windows Light/Dark Themes and also many other improvements. You can download it from: https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/5.1.4 As always please report problems to the mailing list on groups.io: https://groups.io/g/DeepSkyStacker/ Here's the full details: Welcome to DeepSkyStacker 5.1.4 Only 64 bit versions of Windows 10 and later are supported in this release. Known problems: When the image exposure is less than 1ms and double-click to edit is used, if the user clicks away from the editor, then the exposure is set to zero. This requires too much work to fix in this release, as we will need to implement our own edit control. Changes since the last release: Upgrade CFITSIO library to 4.2.0 Always create a trace file in the DeepSkyStacker sub-folder of the user's Documents folder. The file will be called e.g. DSSTrace_yyyy-mm-ddThh-hh-ssZ.log where the timestamp is GMT (UTC) time. The trace file will be deleted on normal application exit, but retained in the event of an exception. An option is provided to keep the file. Add both Main Group and Group 1 at startup. Initial code changes for Qt 6.5.1 Dark/Light Theme support Add an option to turn off beeps on completion of registering/stacking. Toolbar display improved (no square boxes round active/hovered buttons). Upgrade libtiff to 4.5.0 Add code to handle TIFF tags TIFFTAG_CFAREPEATPATTERNDIM and TIFFTAG_CFAPATTERN when processing TIFF files in CFA format. These tags are defined in the TIFF/EP standard. Add code to handle EXIF tag EXIFTAG_CFAPATTERN which is defined in the EXIF standard. This allows automatic detection of the CFA pattern needed to decode the file. The only files that DSS writes as TIFF in CFA format are some of the master files. All other TIFF output files will remain RGB. Change compression of TIFF format master files to use PKZIP Deflate instead of no compression. Change default compression for saving images to PKZIP Deflate (was NONE). Convert DeepSkyStackerLive to Qt. Use floating point instead of 16-bit fixed point for master files. Old master files will still work. Prevent undocked sidebar and image list windows from being closed (never to be seen again). Suppress warning message "ZIPEncode: Encoder error: buffer error." when writing TIFF files. Remove Microsoft CGI+ dependency for loading jpeg and png images. FITS output files didn't contain the number of images in the stack. Save this using FITS keyword NCOMBINE, also report the number of images when loading FITS images. Bug fix: Correct code for reading floating point FITS files (the value was incorrectly normalised - e.g.: 256.0 was read back as 259.996). Bug fix: Value of FITS SOFTWARE keyword in output file truncated after first character. Bug fix: Unable to stack images with no stars when using Alignment set to "No Alignment". Improve handling for FITS DATE-OBS keyword. DATE-OBS in the output file will now be set to the value of DATE-OBS from the first input file or, failing that, the creation timestamp or last modification timestamp of the file whichever is earlier. Processing/Save picture to file... did not preserve FITS keywords when the final autosave file was written as a FITS file. Bug fix: Delete key to delete images from the list didn't update the information lines. Bug fix: Clear list didn't reset the status bar message. Work around for Qt bug (QTBUG-46620) with restoring application position and size when re-opening the application after it was closed when maximised. Mouse wheel zooming worked the opposite way from most other applications, now changed to be compatible. Extend exposure time edit control to 4 decimal places instead of 3. Check lights when loaded using either "Open picture files" or using Drag/Drop. Correct Intermediate Files tab of Stacking parameters. "Create a calibrated file ..." and "Create a registered/calibrated file ..." were inadvertently switched when porting the code for version 5. Bug fix: Saving the intermediate calibrated image in de-Bayered format resulted in a corrupt file. The comet position interpolation code has been re-written by Martin Toeltsch (thank you Martin). Now you need only to: o Mark the position of the centre of the comet in 2 light frames with a large temporal distance (ideally the first and the last light frame in chronological order). o Marking the comet centre in additional light frames can potentially improve the results. Change some of the colours used when the Windows Dark Theme is in use so that they are easier to read. Revert change made for number 26 - QTimeEdit doesn't work right with 4 decimals. Bug fix: Magnifying glass over image area was still displayed when mouse was moved directly to another window. Bug fix: Selecting/Deselecting "Create a calibrated file for each light frame" should also Enable/Disable "Save a debayered image..." Bug fix: Unable to cancel Registering or Stacking because the ProgressDlg was disabled (it had the wrong parent). Bug fix: Save/Restore of docked window sizes (Explorer Bar, Picture List) wasn't working. Update zlib to 1.3 (from 1.2.11). Bug fix: Switching away from Settings/Output tab and then switching back reset the values to status quo ante. Bug fix: Output file name when using file list name as the output name was incorrectly set to (e.g.) Batch1.tif when using a file list with a name Batch1.xxx.dssfilelist Clear image list at end of batch stacking. Upgrade CFITSIO library to 4.3.0 Bug fix: If a recommended setting is clicked to activate it the revised recommendations are appended to the browser when it should be cleared before they are displayed. Bug fix: DSS-CL: If an output file is named specifically with the /O: parameter, this output file is always used. If it is omitted, it will generate a unique output file instead. Bug fix: DSS-CL: If the compression level for a TIFF file is set via the /OCx parameter, this is now honoured. Bug fix: When registering a set of images with different exposure times, the progress dialogue restarted counting at 1 and the progress bar was reset to 0 for each different exposure. The estimated time for completion got completely confused, and the progress bar reached 100% a number of times. Bug fix: Prevent TIFF code issuing TIFFSetField: D:/dss.tif: Unknown pseudo-tag 65557, by only setting TIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY if compression is set to COMPRESSION_DEFLATE. Change the minimum update interval for the progress dialog to 0.1s (was 1s). Bug fix: Units on the Processing pane's Luminance tab were displayed incorrectly as Å° instead of °. Bug fix: Deadlock in DSSLive when stacking FITS files because CFITSReader::Read() didn't issue an End2() call to match the Start2() call. Bug fix: Null pointer passed to XYSeries::append() by ChartTab.cpp. Some code tidyups as well. Add "How To" information to the help for the image editor built into DeepSkyStacker. This includes a short screen capture movie. Resolve problem of clipped controls on processing page when the native language is set to Japanese.
  9. You can download the new beta release from here: https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/5.1.4-Beta2 Please read the notes below carefully. There have been a LOT of changes. DeepSkyStackerLive has been completely reworked, so will need a lot of testing. A lot of work has gone into the translation of messages and UI text. Please could you check for any errors in the translations. I'd be grateful if as many people as possible would install and test this release. Please report any bugs to the DeepSkyStacker mailing list at groups.io (one new thread per bug). https://groups.io/g/DeepSkyStacker Welcome to DeepSkyStacker 5.1.4 Beta 2 Only 64 bit versions of Windows 10 and later are supported in this release. Known problems: When registering a set of images with different exposure times, the progress dialogue restarts counting at 1 and the progress bar is reset to 0 for each different exposure. The estimated time for completion gets completely confused, and the progress bar reaches 100% a number of times. When the image exposure is less than 1ms and the double-click to edit is used, and the user then clicks away from the editor, then the exposure is set to zero. This requires too much work to fix in this release, as we will need to implement our own edit control. Changes since the last release: Upgrade CFITSIO library to 4.2.0 Always create a trace file in the DeepSkyStacker sub-folder of the user's Documents folder. The file will be called e.g. DSSTrace_yyyy-mm-ddThh-hh-ssZ.log where the timestamp is GMT (UTC) time. The trace file will be deleted on normal application exit, but retained in the event of an exception. An option is provided to keep the file. Add both Main Group and Group 1 at startup. Initial code changes for Qt 6.5.1 Dark/Light Theme support Add an option to turn off beeps on completion of registering/stacking. Toolbar display improved (no square boxes round active/hovered buttons). Upgrade libtiff to 4.5.0 Add code to handle TIFF tags TIFFTAG_CFAREPEATPATTERNDIM and TIFFTAG_CFAPATTERN when processing TIFF files in CFA format. These tags are defined in the TIFF/EP standard. Add code to handle EXIF tag EXIFTAG_CFAPATTERN which is defined in the EXIF standard. This allows automatic detection of the CFA pattern needed to decode the file. The only files that DSS writes as TIFF in CFA format are some of the master files. All other TIFF output files will remain RGB. Change compression of TIFF format master files to use PKZIP Deflate instead of no compression. Change default compression for saving images to PKZIP Deflate (was NONE). Convert DeepSkyStackerLive to Qt. Use floating point instead of 16-bit fixed point for master files. Old master files will still work. Prevent undocked sidebar and image list windows from being closed (never to be seen again). Suppress warning message "ZIPEncode: Encoder error: buffer error." when writing TIFF files. Remove Microsoft CGI+ dependency for loading jpeg and png images. FITS output files didn't contain the number of images in the stack. Save this using FITS keyword NCOMBINE, also report the number of images when loading FITS images. Bug fix: Correct code for reading floating point FITS files (the value was incorrectly normalised - e.g.: 256.0 was read back as 259.996). Bug fix: Value of FITS SOFTWARE keyword in output file truncated after first character. Bug fix: Unable to stack images with no stars when using Alignment set to "No Alignment". Improve handling for FITS DATE-OBS keyword. DATE-OBS in the output file will now be set to the value of DATE-OBS from the first input file or, failing that, the creation timestamp or last modification timestamp of the file whichever is earlier. Processing/Save picture to file... did not preserve FITS keywords when the final autosave file was written as a FITS file. Bug fix: Delete key to delete images from the list didn't update the information lines. Bug fix: Clear list didn't reset the status bar message. Work around for Qt bug (QTBUG-46620) with restoring application position and size when re-opening the application after it was closed when maximised. Mouse wheel zooming worked the opposite way from most other applications, now changed to be compatible. Extend exposure time edit control to 4 decimal places instead of 3. Check lights when loaded using either "Open picture files" or using Drag/Drop. Correct Intermediate Files tab of Stacking parameters. "Create a calibrated file ..." and "Create a registered/calibrated file ..." were inadvertently switched when porting the code for version 5. Bug fix: Saving the intermediate calibrated image in de-Bayered format resulted in a corrupt file. The comet position interpolation code has been re-written by Martin Toeltsch (thank you Martin). Now you need only to: o Mark the position of the centre of the comet in 2 light frames with a large temporal distance (ideally the first and the last light frame in chronological order). o Marking the comet centre in additional light frames can potentially improve the results. Change some of the colours used when the Windows Dark Theme is in use so that they are easier to read. Revert change made for 26 (above) - QTimeEdit doesn't work right with 4 decimals. Bug fix: Magnifying glass over image area was still displayed when mouse was moved directly to another window. Bug fix: Selecting/Deselecting "Create a calibrated file for each light frame" should also Enable/Disable "Save a debayered image..." Bug fix: Unable to cancel Registering or Stacking because the ProgressDlg was disabled (it had the wrong parent). Bug fix: Save/Restore of docked window sizes (Explorer Bar, Picture List) wasn't working. Update zlib to 1.3 (from 1.2.11). Bug fix: Switching away from Settings/Output tab and then switching back reset the values to status quo ante. Bug fix: Output file name when using file list name as the output name was incorrectly set to (e.g.) Batch1.tif when using a file list with a name Batch1.xxx.dssfilelist Clear image list at end of batch stacking.
  10. You can get it from here: https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/4.2.6 Here are the main changes since DeepSkyStacker 4.2.5 Fix for oversaturated pixels wrapping to black (centre of stars or galaxies are black). Fix De-bloom processing code to prevent assertion failures in GetPixel() code. Upgrade LibRaw to snapshot 202101 (new camera support). Fix to prevent crash when processing FITS file that is not monochrome but has BAYERPAT keyword in the header that isn't NONE (force CFAType to none). Fix TIFF code handling of accented characters in file path (fix in 4.2.5 was incomplete). Add code to check that it is possible to write files to the output directory and terminate processing with an error message if not. Fix copy to clipboard of "Picture List".
  11. Just a short post to advise everyone of a problem. I fixed a problem in DeepSkyStacker 4.2.5 where DSS was failing to read files whose path or file name contained accented characters. Unfortunately <BLUSH> I failed to fix the code for writing TIFF files, so DSS gets all the way to the end of the process and then fails to write the output file. This will be fixed in the next version, but in the meantime please avoid the use of filenames or paths containing accented characters. David
  12. I'm referring here to the cable that the StarAdventurer manual calls the C1 cable for the EOS 60Da and similar. I thought I might use an existing 2.5mm stereo cable I had which is wired: Tip <----> Tip Ring <----> Ring Barrel <----> Barrel but no such luck. I'm guessing that the C1 cable is wired with: Tip+Ring <----> Tip+Ring Barrel <----> Barrel That's to say with tip and ring connected together and then connecting to the plug at the other end. However I'd like confirmation, so if anyone who has one of these cables and an ohm-meter to hand can "buzz" it out, I'd be grateful. Thanks, David
  13. I've just released DeepSkyStacker 4.2.5. You can get it from here: https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/4.2.5 Please note that version 5.1.0 of DeepSkyStacker (when it is finally released) will not run on 32 bit systems or Windows XP. Here's the details of the the changes in this release and in 4.2.4: Here are the main changes that were made for DeepSkyStacker 4.2.5 Remove use of predictive compression for TIFF files. Use of this revealed a long standing bug in Photoshop which was able to read the files created by DSS, but then wrote corrupt TIFF files. Correct a problem where DSS failed to read files whose path contained accented characters. Fix for a problem where DSS incorrectly reported master calibration frames from earlier releases as being incompatible when a user specified CFA pattern was used for FITS files. Fix a bug introduced in 4.2.3 which causes the code to crash when moving the sliders on the processing page. Apply a development fix to the LibRaw code which was looping forever attempting to open corrupt CR3 files. Here are the changes that were made for DeepSkyStacker 4.2.4. LibRaw updated to 0.20 providing support for over 1300 cameras including Canon Eos R (.CR3 files). CR3 file extension added to list of raw file types. ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** LibRaw 0.20 has introduced a change that primarily affects users of "older" Canon DSLR cameras and FujiFilm X-Trans series cameras (older includes the EOS 60D and 60Da)! The change is to increase the size of the frame area of the image that surrounds the "user area" so that top and left margins are an even number of pixels. The resultant image that DSS extracts from the RAW file will be reduced in width, height or both by one pixel. As result the Bayer Pattern (CFA) used for de-Bayering the image also has to change. Unfortunately the LibRaw developers won't say exactly which cameras this change applies to save to say that it is not a large number. Other have reported that at least the following cameras are definitely impacted by this change: EOS 1D Mark IV EOS 5D Mark II EOS 7D EOS 60D EOS 550D EOS 600D EOS 1200D If your camera is one of those affected, you will not be able to use any existing master frames produced with DeepSkyStacker 4.2.4 Beta 4 or earlier releases as they will not be compatible. You will need to delete and re-create your master frames from the original darks, flats etc.. I am sorry that this has happened, but it is outwith my control, and the LibRaw developers were not prepared to revert the change (they wouldn't even explain why they made the change). If there were another library I could use to decode raw images I would migrate to that but after researching it over the last several days I have come up with no viable alternative. ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** Fix to display Exposure, f-Stop, and ISO setting from EXIF tags in TIFF files. Update libtiff to 4.1.0 Automatic detection of CFA matrix based upon FITS keywords such as BAYERPAT, COLORTYP, and MOSAIC (for Meade DSI colour cameras). The FITS File tab of the Raw/FITS DDP Settings dialogue has changed. If you de-select the tick box for: "Monochrome 16 bit FITS Files are RAW files created by a DSLR or a color CCD camera", then automatic detection will be used. You can override this by selecting this option and manually selecting the CFA pattern to be used. All the other settings on that tab are now always available for modification. The exposure time is now correctly displayed for FITS files with the exposure time in microseconds (keyword EXPOINUS). Display a warning message saying that DeepSkyStacker won't de-Bayer 8-bit FITS images. Change code to read TIFF files in strips instead of by scanline. This can reduce the time to read the image by as much as a factor of 3. Refactor the code to decode the TIFF file we just read and also use OpenMP. Time to decode the image reduced by about 4-5 times. Refactor the code that writes TIFF files and use OpenMP to speed it up. Also write the output file in strips rather than scanlines and use TIFF predictive compression. Substantial performance increase. Refactor the code that reads FITS files to make it easier to understand and also use OpenMP. Only a marginal performance benefit. Major bug fix - calibration frames were either not applied or incorrectly applied when using Super-Pixel mode. Change DeepSkyStackerLive so that the choice of using the Dark Theme is controlled by the user settings. Display the FITS FILTER name in the picture list control, for information only at present. Change the text used in the language selection ComboBox to always use Latin characters. This is a work around a problem with DLGINIT processing and Unicode characters. Fix to correct problem where jpeg files were incorrectly identified as raw. When FITS file auto-detection is used, the CFA Yes/No display was incorrect - now fixed. Recommended Setting for Interpolation was incorrect. Fix for crash while attempting to select comet. Fix for Nikon Z 6, Z 7, and Z 50 being reported as unsupported. Clear skies, David
  14. Please note that DeepSkyStacker 4.2.4 has revealed a nasty bug in Photoshop (all the way from CS6 to CC 2020). The problem is that if you load a 32 bit TIFF written by DeepSkyStacker 4.2.4, convert to 16 bit and write the output to a new TIFF file, then that file is corrupt (to the extent that ONLY PS will read it). The problem was revealed by DeepSkyStacker's use of TIFF predictive compression which was enabled by the changes made for DSS 4.2.4. So as to inconvenience as few people as possible I have removed this from the soon to be available DeepSkyStacker 4.2.5. There's a couple of other fixes in there, but this is the main one. My apologies to everyone for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Clear Skies, David
  15. You can download it from: https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/latest Here's the details of the changes in this release: LibRaw updated to 0.20 providing support for over 1300 cameras including Canon Eos R (.CR3 files). CR3 file extension added to list of raw file types. ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** LibRaw 0.20 has introduced a change that primarily affects users of "older" Canon DSLR cameras and FujiFilm X-Trans series cameras (older includes the EOS 60D and 60Da)! The change is to increase the size of the frame area of the image that surrounds the "user area" so that top and left margins are an even number of pixels. The resultant image that DSS extracts from the RAW file will be reduced in width, height or both by one pixel. As result the Bayer Pattern (CFA) used for de-Bayering the image also has to change. Unfortunately the LibRaw developers won't say exactly which cameras this change applies to save to say that it is not a large number. Other have reported that at least the following cameras are definitely impacted by this change: EOS 1D Mark IV EOS 5D Mark II EOS 7D EOS 60D EOS 550D EOS 600D EOS 1200D If your camera is one of those affected, you will not be able to use any existing master frames produced with DeepSkyStacker 4.2.4 Beta 4 or earlier releases as they will not be compatible. You will need to delete and re-create your master frames from the original darks, flats etc.. I am sorry that this has happened, but it is outwith my control, and the LibRaw developers were not prepared to revert the change (they wouldn't even explain why they made the change). If there were another library I could use to decode raw images I would migrate to that but after researching it over the last several days I have come up with no viable alternative. ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** Fix to display Exposure, f-Stop, and ISO setting from EXIF tags in TIFF files. Update libtiff to 4.1.0 Automatic detection of CFA matrix based upon FITS keywords such as BAYERPAT, COLORTYP, and MOSAIC (for Meade DSI colour cameras). The FITS File tab of the Raw/FITS DDP Settings dialogue has changed. If you de-select the tick box for: "Monochrome 16 bit FITS Files are RAW files created by a DSLR or a color CCD camera", then automatic detection will be used. You can override this by selecting this option and manually selecting the CFA pattern to be used. All the other settings on that tab are now always available for modification. The exposure time is now correctly displayed for FITS files with the exposure time in microseconds (keyword EXPOINUS). Display a warning message saying that DeepSkyStacker won't de-Bayer 8-bit FITS images. Change code to read TIFF files in strips instead of by scanline. This can reduce the time to read the image by as much as a factor of 3. Refactor the code to decode the TIFF file we just read and also use OpenMP. Time to decode the image reduced by about 4-5 times. Refactor the code that writes TIFF files and use OpenMP to speed it up. Also write the output file in strips rather than scanlines. Substantial performance increase. Refactor the code that reads FITS files to make it easier to understand and also use OpenMP. Only a marginal performance benefit. Major bug fix - calibration frames were either not applied or incorrectly applied when using Super-Pixel mode. Change DeepSkyStackerLive so that the choice of using the Dark Theme is controlled by the user settings. Display the FITS FILTER name in the picture list control, for information only at present. Change the text used in the language selection ComboBox to always use Latin characters. This is a work around a problem with DLGINIT processing and Unicode characters. Fix to correct problem where jpeg files were incorrectly identified as raw. When FITS file auto-detection is used, the CFA Yes/No display was incorrect - now fixed. Recommended Setting for Interpolation was incorrect. Fix for crash while attempting to select comet. Fix for Nikon Z 6, Z 7, and Z 50 being reported as unsupported. Clear skies, and keep well! David
  16. This is an update to the previous release candidate for DeepSkyStacker 4.2.4 that is built with the newly released LibRaw 0.20 to provide support for many additional cameras including the Canon EOS R (.cr3 files). Sadly there is problem with incompatibility between the new release and existing master calibration frames for more details see: https://groups.io/g/DeepSkyStacker/wiki/22443 (if anyone is wondering what happened to Beta 5 - it was buggy and I pulled it). The new beta may be downloaded from https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/4.2.4-Beta-6 The list of changes for this release: LibRaw updated to 0.20 providing support for over 1300 cameras including Canon Eos R (.CR3 files). CR3 file extension added to list of raw file types. ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** LibRaw 0.20 has introduced a change that primarily affects users of "older" Canon DSLR cameras and FujiFilm X-Trans series cameras (older includes the EOS 60D and 60Da)! The change is to increase the size of the frame area of the image that surrounds the "user area" so that top and left margins are an even number of pixels. The resultant image that DSS extracts from the RAW file will be reduced in width, height or both by one pixel. As result the Bayer Pattern (CFA) used for de-Bayering the image also has to change. Unfortunately the LibRaw developers won't say exactly which cameras this change applies to save to say that it is not a large number. Other have reported that at least the following cameras are definitely impacted by this change: EOS 1D Mark IV EOS 5D Mark II EOS 7D EOS 60D EOS 550D EOS 600D EOS 1200D If your camera is one of those affected, you will not be able to use any existing master frames produced with DeepSkyStacker 4.2.4 Beta 4 or earlier releases as they will not be compatible. You will need to delete and re-create your master frames from the original darks, flats etc.. I am sorry that this has happened, but it is outwith my control, and the LibRaw developers were not prepared to revert the change (they wouldn't even explain why they made the change). If there were another library I could use to decode raw images I would migrate to that but after researching it over the last several days I have come up with no viable alternative. ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** Fix to display Exposure, f-Stop, and ISO setting from EXIF tags in TIFF files Update libtiff to 4.1.0 Automatic detection of CFA matrix based upon FITS keywords such as BAYERPAT, COLORTYP, and MOSAIC (for Meade DSI colour cameras). The FITS File tab of the Raw/FITS DDP Settings dialogue has changed. If you de-select the tick box for: "Monochrome 16 bit FITS Files are RAW files created by a DSLR or a color CCD camera", then automatic detection will be used. You can override this by selecting this option and manually selecting the CFA pattern to be used. All the other settings on that tab are now always available for modification. The exposure time is now correctly displayed for FITS files with the exposure time in microseconds (keyword EXPOINUS). Display a warning message saying that DeepSkyStacker won't de-Bayer 8-bit FITS images. Change code to read TIFF files in strips instead of by scanline. This can reduce the time to read the image by as much as a factor of 3. Refactor the code to decode the TIFF file we just read and also use OpenMP. Time to decode the image reduced by about 4-5 times. Refactor the code that writes TIFF files and use OpenMP to speed it up. Also write the output file in strips rather than scanlines. Substantial performance increase. Refactor the code that reads FITS files to make it easier to understand and also use OpenMP. Only a marginal performance benefit. Major bug fix - calibration frames were either not applied or incorrectly applied when using Super-Pixel mode. Change DeepSkyStackerLive so that the choice of using the Dark Theme is controlled by the user settings. Display the FITS FILTER name in the picture list control, for information only at present. Change the text used in the language selection ComboBox to always use Latin characters. This is a work around a problem with DLGINIT processing and Unicode characters. Fix to correct problem where jpeg files were incorrectly identified as raw. When FITS file auto-detection is used, the CFA Yes/No display was incorrect - now fixed. Recommended Setting for Interpolation was incorrect. Fix for crash while attempting to select comet. Hope you all keep well and wishing you "Clear, Dark skies" David
  17. Without access to you images, I couldn't even begin to guess what the problem is. If you wish to upload the images that are causing problems to somewhere like Dropbox or Google Drive, I'm happy to have a look to see what the problem might be. David
  18. I recently released DeepSkyStacker 4.2.4 Beta 4 as a release candidate. The Installers can be downloaded from here: https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/4.2.4-Beta4 The changes from 4.2.3 are: 1. Fix to display Exposure, f-Stop, and ISO setting from EXIF tags in TIFF files. 2. Update libtiff to 4.1.0 3. Automatic detection of CFA matrix based upon FITS keywords such as BAYERPAT, COLORTYP, and MOSAIC (for Meade DSI colour cameras). The FITS File tab of the Raw/FITS DDP Settings dialogue has changed. If you de-select the tick box for: "Monochrome 16 bit FITS Files are RAW files created by a DSLR or a color CCD camera", then automatic detection will be used. You can override this by selecting this option and manually selecting the CFA pattern to be used. All the other settings on that tab are now always available for modification. 4. The exposure time is now correctly displayed for FITS files with the exposure time in microseconds (keyword EXPOINUS). 5. Display a warning message saying that DeepSkyStacker won't de-Bayer 8-bit FITS images. 6. Change code to read TIFF files in strips instead of by scanline. This can reduce the time to read the image by as much as a factor of 3. 7. Refactor the code to decode the TIFF file we just read and also use OpenMP. Time to decode the image reduced by about 4-5 times. 8. Refactor the code that writes TIFF files and use OpenMP to speed it up. Also write the output file in strips rather than scanlines. Substantial performance increase. 9. Refactor the code that reads FITS files to make it easier to understand and also use OpenMP. Only a marginal performance benefit. 10. Major bug fix - calibration frames were either not applied or incorrectly applied when using Super-Pixel mode. 11. Change DeepSkyStackerLive so that the choice of using the Dark Theme is controlled by the user settings. 12. Display the FITS FILTER name in the picture list control, for information only at present. 13. Change the text used in the language selection ComboBox to always use Latin characters. This is a work around a problem with DLGINIT processing and Unicode characters. Clear skies David
  19. DeepSkyStacker 4.2.4 Beta 3 is now available. https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/4.2.4-Beta-3 Welcome to DeepSkyStacker 4.2.4 Beta 3 The main changes in this release are: Fix to display Exposure, f-Stop, and ISO setting from EXIF tags in TIFF files. Update libtiff to 4.1.0 Automatic detection of CFA matrix based upon FITS keywords such as BAYERPAT, COLORTYP, and MOSAIC (for Meade DSI colour cameras). The FITS File tab of the Raw/FITS DDP Settings dialogue has changed. If you de-select the tick box for: "Monochrome 16 bit FITS Files are RAW files created by a DSLR or a color CCD camera", then automatic detection will be used. You can override this by selecting this option and manually selecting the CFA pattern to be used. All the other settings on that tab are now always available for modification. The exposure time is now correctly displayed for FITS files with the exposure time in microseconds (keyword EXPOINUS). Display a warning message saying that DeepSkyStacker won't de-Bayer 8-bit FITS images. Change code to read TIFF files in strips instead of by scanline. This can reduce the time to read the image by as much as a factor of 3. Refactor the code to decode the TIFF file we just read and also use OpenMP. Time to decode the image reduced by about 4-5 times. Refactor the code that writes TIFF files and use OpenMP to speed it up. Also write the output file in strips rather than scanlines. Substantial performance increase. Refactor the code that reads FITS files to make it easier to understand and also use OpenMP. Only a marginal performance benefit. Major bug fix - calibration frames were either not applied or incorrectly applied when using Super-Pixel mode. Clear skies David
  20. Yes they do appear once you've loaded your images ...
  21. I just released DeepSkyStacker 4.2.3 https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/4.2.3-Release ************** IF YOU INSTALLED 4.2.3 BETA 1 ************** When you next use DeepSkyStacker, please restore all settings to the default using: Settings/Load/Restore Defaults before you run your stack. ******************************************************* The main changes in this release are: 1. The 32 bit version will now run on Windows XP SP3. It is likely that the next release of DeepSkyStacker will not do so. 2. The stacking settings dialog width has been increased to reduce or eliminate the need to scroll the tabs. 3. Add .rw2 to list of RAW file extensions. 4. Change the colour scheme for DeepSkyStacker Live to make it more "night vision" friendly. 5. Recognise and use GAIN values in FITS file from CMOS/CCD cameras in a manner similar to how ISO is handled for matching darks, lights etc.. Please note this is not the same as EGAIN (e-/ADU). It refers to the camera's scaling of EGAIN. 6. Update help files. My thanks to Estela Nuñez, Giovanni Benintende, Günter Heberger, José Mozart Fusco, Luc Coiffier, Михаил Тимофеев (Mickle Timofeyev), and Premysl Lukavský for their immense help with all the translation work needed for this release. Dutch help is deferred until the next release. 7. Issue #83: Provide the option to perform NO White Balance processing at all (requested by Ivo Jager for StarTools). 8. Fix for issue #42 - the stacking method "Average" wasn't always reported in the recap html file. 9. Common control library 6 now used so some cosmetic changes such as filled progress bars. 10. Make the progress dialogs non-modal so that DeepSkyStacker can be minimised while processing. 11. Update the DeepSkyStacker taskbar icon with a progress bar that matches the main progress bar. 12. Saving of final TIFF file is now faster, and a number of other performance enhancements have been made. 13. Ctrl-A will select all images in the file list (not the same as "Check All"). 14. Del key will delete an image from the file list so you don't need right click and select "Remove from list" 15. Bug fix - if you change the type of an image from the file list "Properties" dialogue, the icon was changed, but the text wasn't. 16. Bug fix - Settings were handled incorrectly in 4.2.3 Beta 1 Clear skies David
  22. Yes, it will have expired - I'm still waiting for some translation work to come back which is taking longer than I'd hoped (translator having work overload problems). I hope that I'll be able to do another beta with that translation included this month ... No promises though. David
  23. https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases/tag/4.2.3-Beta2 This beta release contains a bug fix for the incorrect handling of the settings in 4.2.3 Beta 1 which could cause problems with incorrect output or crashes and other odd behaviour. If you did install Beta 1 when you run your first stack using this release please use "Settings/Load/Restore Defaults" as the first thing you do. You should only need to do this once. This release also contains updates to the help for Brazilian Portuguese. Please could I ask any Brazilian Portuguese speakers to review the updated help and let us know of any issues. The work for translation of the help to Dutch is as yet incomplete, so the Dutch help files are still in English. Clear skies David C. Partridge
  24. The first line of my post had the URL: https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases David
  25. https://github.com/deepskystacker/DSS/releases Please note that the translation of the help is not yet done. So the help will be either as it was previously or a mixture of (e.g.) French and English The main changes in this release are: The 32 bit version will now run on Windows XP SP3. It is likely that the next release of DeepSkyStacker will not do so. The stacking settings dialog width has been increased to reduce or eliminate the need to scroll the tabs. Add .rw2 to list of RAW file extensions. Change the colour scheme for DeepSkyStacker Live to make it more "night vision" friendly. Recognise and use GAIN values in FITS file from CMOS/CCD cameras in a manner similar to how ISO is handled for matching darks, lights etc.. Please note this is not the same as EGAIN (e-/ADU). It refers to the camera's scaling of EGAIN. Update help files and add a new Dutch version of the help. Issue #83: Provide the option to perform NO White Balance processing at all (requested by Ivo Jager for StarTools). Fix for issue #42 - the stacking method "Average" wasn't always reported in the recap html file. Common control library 6 now used so some cosmetic changes such as filled progress bars. Make the progress dialogs non-modal so that DeepSkyStacker can be minimised while processing. Update the DeepSkyStacker taskbar icon with a progress bar that matches the main progress bar. Saving of final TIFF file is now faster, and a number of other performance enhancements have been made. Ctrl-A will select all images in the file list (not the same as "Check All"). Del key will delete an image from the file list so you don't need right click and select "Remove from list" Bug fix - if you change the type of an image from the file list "Properties" dialogue, the icon was changed, but the text wasn't. Clear skies David
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