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Posts posted by pdols

  1. Not ashamed to admit I got very excited when I got the notification about the update - great to see you're getting so near to the end of the project. Congrats and good on you for all the hard work

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  2. Very excited about the rest of the build. Have learned a lot about my own scope and the optics behind it through following this thread - looking forward to what I'll learn from the other half. Good luck with the rest and I look forward to the first light report!

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  3. So pleased to hear about the ongoing progress, and also about single malt being used as a form of currency. I knew I'd feel at home in this forum. Keep up the good work mapstar and thanks for the ongoing images - really nice to be able to compare. I look forward to hearing the next step advised by John.

    As a slight aside were you going to post about the rest of the build in this thread or do I remember you saying you'd do a separate one? If by any chance you have time it would be great to hear about your planning and progress with that and maybe see a bit, though I totally understand if the mirror thread is more than enough for you to be spending time on and sorting out photos for. Either way, good luck and keep going!


    An enthused spectator (Pete)

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  4. Really exciting to see the changes. Thanks for all the images of the testing as well - from a learner's point of view I've found it really helpful and interesting to see the test results along with the narrative. Keep going - home stretch

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  5. Really gonna have to take some of your observing location suggestions up - went to the Surprise View car park in the Peaks last night. About midnight a car turned up, parked at the opposite end of the car park then flashed its lights a few times then waited 30 seconds then drove off. I suspect I may have accidentally parked myself in a [removed word] site! Still, got some great views of M13 and also Saturn towards the end of the session as the seeing improved. First time out with my new ES 82 deg eyepieces to complement the scope. Time to try a few other sites as well now!

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  6. Hello and welcome to the forum.

    Thanks for taking a look and posting on what you have already read has been quite a journey.

    I have taken rather a lot longer than most to get to where I am (as someone quite rudely pointed out) but I will get there at my own pace and there is no rush.

    I will try my best to make it a good read and hopefully progress to the end.

    Again thank you for taking the time to read the thread from the start as it is quite a long one.


    No need to thank - it's been an enjoyable read, and I've learned a lot. It's also been really cool to see the progress, as well as the difficulties along the way rather than just the finished product. Don't worry about the pace of things. It sounds like a hard task, and if it was quick and easy I'm guessing loads of people would do it and you wouldn't! At the end of the day it's your project - it's just nice to be able to share vicariously in the labour and the love. Anyway, keep going and hope you enjoy the project as well as the final product...

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  7. Nice looking scope. Have they changed the top assembly so that the focuser is at a sensible angle rather than the awkward 90° positioning that they used to sport?


    No they haven't but the upper cage has pre-drilled holes so you can move the points where the trusses attach so you can change the angle from 90 to 45 deg. I tried both options and being 6ft much preferred the higher angle.

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  8. thats lovely mate. put your location (roughly) in your signature, people can help you then if need be and advise you on locations. welcome to sgl as well

    Cheers mate. Will do as soon as I've made the necessary number of posts to allow changing my signature. I'm in the Greater Manchester area so been trying to make the most of the Peak District skies since getting my new toy, though clear skies have been very rare, and moonless clear skies even rarer, so still lots of exciting potential to look forward to.

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  9. Just found this thread and binge read the entire thing. Amazing to see the dedication and impressive progress being made. I will be following the rest of the project with great interest! Good luck and I hope you enjoy the challenge

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