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Posts posted by craig_0

  1. could their be a proble with  your colamination  what kind of scope do you have? also try takeing  the gain and diffrent settings down   in the  prefences   mabey put a moon filter on it  aswell  i know  when i was doing day time shots with it i had to take   brightness down and gain down  aswell set a shorter exposure  time on brigher objects too i belive . im new to this aswell and  i had to play alot with diffrent setting at get nice pics  during the day  and but like you said they were wery nice and crisp. i could count the plys in the plywood on the neibours chicken koop roof about 200 feet away  so i was sold on that alone and i cant wait to se what kind of pick i get out of a  bigger telescope  i was useing my 60mmx700mm refractor 

      i noticed also sometimes when i  switched inbetween the  rbg 1090x980 pixels and other video formats   sometime  i would select a size and  it would go black and  tell me no live video  and then i would just select the same channel again and it would then get video. does this hapen to you aswell  and do you know or anyone know if their is a program i gan use with my macbook pro  my old pc  dont have battery life to use in the feild,   thats why i bought new  comp is for use in field and it said mac compatable when i bought it but cant find the  image capturing somftware  just the regi stax in mac format.

  2. hello i just bought the next image burst aswell  i havent got to try it yet  been cloudy around here lately . you might have a cabel problem have you tryied a diffrent one yet? if it gets banged or pinched  it could make a weak connection or crossed connection or  even slight iterfearance with insulation on wire being comprimized. digital signals are finiky.  other than that  do you like the camera has anyone else bought or tried this camera yet?

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