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Blog Comments posted by Hoppity

  1. Ronin and StarSapling ............... Yes, Chesterfield!  Nothing is TOO far, I will google East Mdland Star Gazers.  Thank you both so very much for your advice about the telescope.  Being so naive, I am at risk of spending too much on something too big and complicated for me.  You have reined me in and I thank you fo it :-)  It will be a few months yet before I actually purchase the equipment, but I will be sure to seek your advice further.  Like I said previously, I am a 62 yr old female who has been into all things Space from a very young age.  I can't get enough of it.  We plan to move to Ireland in about 12 months time to really enjoy our retirements.  The night skies over there should be good and dark!  This is the time I will buy the telescope.   We plan to build as far as is practical, a kind of obsevatory but again, I have to really research this and decide if ths is necessary, it may not be?  I am just so very excited about the whole thing, but I will take my time, take good advice and not go overboard on the first thing that I see.  Your help  is invaluable to me, thank you very vey much.  As for my very first space photo (on my iPhone) of the ISS, it's a tiny tiny dot, but I am chuffed with it, it's a start!!!! My start!  But looking  at eveything on here, I have an awful lot to learn and an awful lot to see out there.  As for being an Astronaut, I am hoping that in my lifetime, I will be able to go up in one of the space travel vehicles!  I can dream. xx

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