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Posts posted by wolfpaw

  1. I'm very annoyed right now.

    The story begins back in October 2013 when I ordered a Skywatcher 250PX and some other bits and pieces from Teleskop-Service in Germany to where I am currently in France. I changed the order just prior to it being shipped and the staff were very accommodating. So far, so good. The order arrived with no problem and I didn't think anything of it until, on 7th November 2013, a delivery van turned up with an exact duplicate of my previous order. It consisted of a Skywatcher 250PX in one box with the base in another box. The driver said I had to sign for it and get it sent back to Germany through Teleskop-Service.

    I emailed TS and told them what had happened. They told me to print out a label via a link they sent and to take it to the nearest post office. I said that I only had a small car (a Peugeot 106) and asked whether it could be collected as the nearest post office is about 10 miles from where I live. That seemed to fall on stony ground as I received a reply saying "take it to the nearest convenient post office" and advising me to keep the shipping receipt. I was also told that I would receive an email from TS when the duplicate telescope was received by them back in Germany. I never heard anything else from them.

    Forwardwind to a couple of weeks ago and I noticed that a barlow lens I ordered from TS had a flaw in one of the lenses. I emailed them and was sent a link with a delivery label. They said to send it back to them and a technician would look at it. If the barlow was found to be faulty I would receive a replacement. I was perfectly happy with that and sent off the barlow lens in a padded envelope.

    I didn't hear anything until 11th March when I got an automated email from Teleskop-Service with a tracking number, which I guessed was my barlow coming back to me. I hadn't received any email to say whether it was a replacement or the original. It was supposed to be delivered to me today so I've stayed in waiting. At about 3.30pm this afternoon I got a call from my sister in England to say that she had received a delivery in my name. Yes, it was the barlow lens, sent to the billing address in the UK instead of the delivery address in France. The original telescope was sent to me here in France. The original barlow was sent to me here in France. I sent the barlow back to them from my address in France so I've no idea why it was returned to my billing address in the UK.

    Needless to say I am not happy at all. I don't even see the point in emailing them as the barlow is now out of their hands. My sister said she's post it down to me here. It just seems incompetent.

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