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Posts posted by PHIL53

  1. I would say it depends on how dark is your sky.

    Telrad is indeed my first choice, but just as long as either target is visible or at least some star nearby to guide you, using the red circles.

    Sometimes in light polluted areas, after setting the scope in the general direction with the Telrad, an optical finder (such as 8x50) is quite useful to get near your target, following a path of stars otherwise invisible to the naked eye.

    p.s. forgive my English, but hope you can understand what I mean....

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  2. In the backround my beloved first companion, GSO 8" Deluxe who has now left home and is taken care of by another astrophile....

    This is my second hand Sumerian Alkaid 12" in the countryside NW of Rome (you have to travel at least 60 miles away to try and find decent skies).

    All bits and pieces (but the rods) are included in this 19 kgs. box and, after a bit of practice, it takes about 10' to assemble it and check the collimation (which has to be done again each time...I am getting quite good at it !) 



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  3. First of all I would like to say hallo to everyone and please excuse my english (schooldays are longtime gone ...).

    I just wanted to signal what has been for me the absolute best beginner's book in respect of finding your way through constellations (and much more !).

    The stars: a new way to see them - http://www.amazon.com/The-Stars-New-Way-Them/dp/0395248302

    by H. A. Rey. 

    It is unfortunately impossible to find it here in Italy, but you lucky english speaking stargazers can easily find it in the web !

    My French edition of 1977 has been following me ever since and I can't wait my grandsons to be old enough to appreciate it.

    Ciao to everybody and "cieli sereni" (clear skies)

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