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Everything posted by Gembol

  1. Hello again! I was waiting to do more measurements of guiding performance after cleaning and regreasing only RA axis. Buuuut, now I have problems with my ASI120MM (my guide camera), so I think it is better you make your own opinion: https://instagram.com/p/4PqMT5nfWl/ I'm really happy with the results! Enviado desde mi Aquaris E5 mediante Tapatalk
  2. Jonk, is there a locking ring like the RA one? Maybe you have to tighten it more...
  3. I haven't disassembled Dec axis... sorry... I can see what you say, but I don't know why it happens to you...
  4. I can't help thinking the same, jambouk. Great explanation!
  5. Maybe you have to readjust the worm alignment. Take a look at astrobaby's guide. It's about an EQ6, but this part is the same as AZ version: http://www.astro-baby.com/EQ6%20rebuild%20guide/EQ6%20worm%20alignment.htm
  6. I tried guiding last night... It seems to work better than before the adjustments were made, but I couldn't test long exposure, only a couple of minutes. Clouds covered all the sky and I went to bed...
  7. Something that doesn't know at Syntha installations...
  8. It's all about quality control, jambouk...
  9. Oh, I only touch my own... It's a lot of money if I break something, hahahaha
  10. Yes, mine too. Grease was almost black maybe due to aluminum particles and dust. I have resembled the mount again. I've perfectly cleaned all individual parts with gasoline and a toothbrush. Then I've added grease where there was before, but a good high quality grease (lithium grease with teflon particles). I've polished both the encoder cover I showed you and the aluminum ring that have the AR axis coordinates printed. Mount seems to work better than ever. It's easy now to balance AR axis. The only thing you have to pay attention at is correcting backlash, but it's not difficult... Now I will patiently wait next clear night to test my guiding performance. Thanks, mikeobrien for your help!
  11. Hello again! I have not had time to continue disassembling my mount, so I'm at the same point I was. I have removed the mount head from the base, but need to clean and regrease. Original grease is dirt, a lot!! I also want to polish some parts where paint is not supposed to be...
  12. Yes! I've got it! Thank you! I have taken the whole RA axis out, so I can start cleaning. I've seen that the gray part which covers the encoder connection has a lot of friction, so I have to polish it a little... And maybe this is my guiding problem's origin... See the picture attached.
  13. mikeobrien, I've started to disassemble my mount, but it's impossible for me to remove the black retaining ring (R.A.). I'm afraid of doing something wrong, because I don't know where the group screws you talk about are...
  14. Hi mikeobrien! Have you tried your mount yet? Has been guiding improvement? And... Any advice before I start disassembling mine?
  15. It's great to read that, mikeobrien!
  16. I hope so. It happened something like that on my HEQ5 (some years ago) and was the same. Changing grease and washing pieces worked as a charm...
  17. Great, mikeobrien! Thank you so much for the link! I will try to disassemble my AZ EQ6-GT R.A. axis, because it has some strange friction that doesn't allow me to properly balance this axis, and this causes my guiding worse...
  18. I totally agree with you. Some pics will be good enough. Thank you!
  19. Any news on disassembling our mounts?
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