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Posts posted by SpaceWatcher

  1. There’s some live astronomy related webcams 

    https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/webtv/ (Watch out for the clickable ads)


    Theres an Open University course


    (looks quite easy going) that gives you free access to image at 


    This site also has a great image gallery




    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi Ash

    Astronomy is what you want it to be, not what someone else thinks you need, if that site’s ideas for what you need don’t agree with yours then don’t let it put you off, find somewhere else, it should be about making it accessible to anyone with an interest 😀

    You can enjoy visual astronomy with no deep knowledge of the science, if you’re happy that a nebula is a cloud of dust/gas then that is all you need for now to enhance your enjoyment of astronomy

    When I was 12 and first saw Jupiter, Saturn and it’s rings and the moon through a scope I had no real idea of what they were, I was just amazed and it started a love of astronomy that has lasted, um… quiet a while now 😬, I acquired more detailed knowledge as a when I needed it

    Enjoy the stars and post questions on Stargazers Lounge, we’ll all help 


    • Like 1
  3. Taking shape nicely 👍

    Re the street light, tell them it’s stopping you sleep

    I told our council it was for stargazing and they didn’t want to know, my wife told them it was stopping us sleeping 2 months later and it was shielded within 2 weeks

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  4. I’m sure I’ve seen a formula somewhere that shows the level of cloud is directly related to the importance of the astronomical event 😜

    I know I’ve suffered it’s consequences many times…

  5. A long time ago my wife and me went to the brilliant but now sadly gone Starhill Inn in New Mexico (RIP 😢)

    Through the day we met a very large 8ft tall Brown bear eating the hummingbird feeders at the ranch house and it was scared away by the owners

    That night I was working through my list with a 16” LX200 when we heard a noise in the bushes nearby, I flashed across with a torch and two eyes lit up about 6” apart and ~30ft away, it was probably the bear attracted to the hot chocolate we’d got from the warm room nearby

    It scared the hell out of us as it was pitch black, we walked rapidly back to our cabin with torches on and swinging around while singing loudly 

    When you look at the pictures in the Ranger Stations of what bears do to cars to get food they don’t look so cute and furry 

    Later on that trip we had a bear circling our tent sniffing in Yosemite
    Food and cooking clothes were in the bear box nearby so it went and hit that instead, much to our relief as all I had was a small pocket knife 

    We and the other campers were banging pans and yelling to drive it away

    The USA has liven me truly some stunning views of the sky in beautiful locations while accompanied by bears, coyotes and some truly scary mosquitoes, I understand the need for some form of protection, we took whistles, bear spray and Deet with us everywhere after that, I’d also consider a portable motion sensor alarm if I was deeply into an observing session in some wilderness areas to alert if bigger critters got too close

    Next time we’re there we may ask the National Guard to circle our site 😜


  6. Sign up for the free Sky & Telescope Astrophotography book, good advice for starting


    What does your wife want to photograph to start with, even a Meade EXT can be used to take some moon/planet pictures easily, it’s small light has goto and tracking (in alt-az so limited exposure times) and is around your budget, it’s about working with what you can afford and knowing what you can expect to achieve



  7. Mine are 

    Zeiss 7x30B - 8.5 deg fov, great for sky views and almost indestructible in rubber armour, had them about 30 years and still great
    Only pain is no tripod mount

    Bausch & Lomb 8x42 Elites - 7 deg field of view and great optics, nice to use and light

    Small Nikon pair of grab and go - don’t use for astro

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