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Posts posted by starnut

  1. I'm ashamed to have to admit it, but I didn't know anything about astronomy, until I saw Stargazing with Brian Cox, OK I new where Polarise was, but that was all. I have spent many nights beach fishing and looking up at the stars, but had no interest other than that, I came on this forum and I didn't really know what to expect from other members, but having a look at the beginners section and seeing all the replies from “hardened astronomers” I was well pleased.

    I sat down and over a period of 5 days I have read most if not all the whole site and now have a little more knowledge of telescopes, mounts and eyepieces and more to the point what I can get for my money and of course what to buy.

    So a big well done to everybody as a good forum is only as good as it's members.

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