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Posts posted by perkil8r

  1. Kind of decided to go for a cheeky ST80, now my only sticking point is, do I go for the OTA or add the EQ1 at the same time.... I know the EQ1 won't set my world on fire, but it would mean that the Grab n Go would be considerably easier rather than lugging the EQ5 along for the ride. If I'm taking the EQ5 I may aswell grab the 200p at the same time, not exactly grab n go as such IMO.

    So, what to do? ST80 OTA and use either piggy back or on EQ5, or spend some loose change extra and get the ST80 EQ1 and have the option of a quick and lightwieght method of getting out in the field with minimum fuss?

  2. Thanks :D I've had a quick look, but TBH new OTA's are only around £160, but having seen the results from the ST80 I am tempted by that instead at only £90 ish new from FLO.

    I think this snow needs to hurry up and go away or else I'm going to end up pennyless and in the dog house with the missus!

    There is a good mods video on you tube from astronomy shed on the st80

  3. I said I was only going to spend £50 or so on a used scope as my first scope, but I went and blew the budget on the 200p with eq5 (would've been rude not to) and now I'm getting all itchy to spend some more :D

    I'm sort of considering a cheeky little purchase of the star travel 102, thinking I could piggy back it or, if I fancy popping out into the countryside I could whip it in the car with the eq5 and be off for a bit of grab n go action. Thing is, in comparison to the 200p what could I reasonably expect to see? Could I use it as a camera scope whilst piggy backing which would leave the 200p available for viewing through at the same time, or maybe use it as a (expensive I admit) finderscope? I just love the look of a couple of scopes piggy backing, they look awsome, but from a pratical point of view what would it be usefull for? I might still get one anyway as a grab n go, I just like the looks of them TBH.

    :cussing: I think I've caught scope fever, is there a cure :clouds1:

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