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Posts posted by davebodger

  1. I just downloaded everything after not having it for a few years. At least my old account is still there but if I'm honest I'm a bit confused by everything, it seems to be running SETI at least and I'm still in the SGL team.

    Is the SGL team part of other projects or just SETI@home?

    Yes, The Stargazers Lounge team is a BOINC team so all your work in SETI, Milkyway, etc., is counted towards the team.

    We're doing pretty well as 20th highest scoring team in the UK with 39 active participants. :-)

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  2. Hi, I'm new here but have run SETI in the past (until they screwed up my account and I gave up). In any case, I'm not sure I want to find aliens even if they are out there. You need to be very certain of the difference between being invited TO lunch and FOR lunch. :)

    I currently run BOINC and one of the things I donate time to is MilkyWay, so I have joined the Stargazerslounge team for that.

    I also donate to Constallation but that is not directly astronomy related, more space exploration.


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