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Blog Comments posted by Andy38416

  1. Thanks for reply Pat. The second night viewing actually went really well, although i didnt see a massive amount - no moon, jupiter etc. I really enjoyed just panning the sky slowly with a 17mm lens on.

    The first night viewing i was at my brothers and had a really wobbly table so viewing was like being on a boat at sea. The second night the table at my house was solid as a rock and just made for such a better viewing. Just waiting for more clear nights and i think my first view of the moon will be really good.

    I'm already thinking of getting the 200p as a step up scope but will leave it a good few months, maybe into the new year. Unfortuatly i cant stop looking at other telescopes / accessories since getting into it. I have already brought a 17mm and a 7.5mm plossel lens so now have 7.5, 10, 17 and 25mm and also brought a good barlow with a 1.5x and 2x increase. The only thing i might buy is an EQ mount.

    thanks for all comments though, it really has helped.

  2. Thanks for the reply. I'm new to this site so still trying to figure it all out, plus using my phone to access it doesn't help. I did speak to someone and they said I shouldn't even be try to look at stars anyway but using them as guards to find other things in the sky.

    I don't have much light pollution but that night one neighbour had his insecurity light on all night but just tried to keep angled away from it. There's clear skies again outside tonight so waiting for it to get a bit darker and will try again.

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