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Posts posted by Andre

  1. Good Day/Evening All

    Please assist with my decision between the ZWO ASI071MC Pro (APS-C 23.6x15.6mm) or ZWO ASI1600MM(4/3" 17.7x13.4mm) cameras , I am seriously considering speaking to the bank manager for a loan to purchase either of the above mentioned cameras , temperature plays a huge roll as most of my images are taken at ccd/cmos temp between 22 - 30 Deg Celsius with my modded Canon 1100D.

    I am currently using the following equipment :
    Canon 11000D modded
    Sw ED 80mm, WO 80 MM ED/APO / 0.8 Focal reducer
    Sw 200mm F5 /1.1 Flatner
    7NM HA Filter 2"

    I am reasonably impressed with the H-Alpha results with the HA filter on my modded 1100D.

    There is +- $200 difference in price , I am leaning towards the bigger sensor of the AI071MC , if any one has experience withe above cameras or has a view to share I would appreciate as these cameras do not come cheap at the current exchange rate of 16 Rand to the Dollar.

    I have posted this question in other forums but have not found any replies from anyone that has experience with these cameras , unfortunately ccd cameras are out of the question as  they are to costly. 

    I appreciate your input/advice.


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