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Posts posted by Dave9281

  1. I don't know if anyone has mentioned the Astro-Tech 82° UWA's or not, but you might want to look into them. I purchased the 10mm, and I've been very happy with it's performance. I think they're selling right now with a small discount for about $100 USD at Astronomics. Apart from my own experience, I've heard good things about them, but of course I would encourage you to do your own research!

    Good luck!


  2. More use of ‘stickies’ – Perhaps too the use of stickies (whatever they are called) might avoid the proliferation of the same few questions being asked over and over and over again. Eg:...    'Captain Vallo'

    I agree, but that's about the only thing I can think of...

    The site is great!


  3. Greetings, all!


    I've been doing a lot of research on buying a new telescope, but in the mean time, I've been using my 80's era 8" f/6 Meade Starfinder (or maybe 826? I've lost the documentation...). It's in reasonably good condition, and even with my clumsy attempts at collimation, provides a surprisingly good view! In fact, I've been so happy with it (nostalgia playing a big part, as this 'scope was the first major purchase I'd ever made using my own saved money as a bus boy when I was 16) that I've decided to refurbish it, and maybe postpone any new purchase. But as part of it's ongoing restoration, I'm wondering if I should have the mirrors re-coated. They are dusty, but haven't been subject to very much weathering, and the telescope has been handled gingerly, but can time alone damage the mirrors?


    How do you know if it's necessary or not? Can you tell by visual inspection, or does it require an interferometer?


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and many thanks!

  4. Kluson,

    Check out the Koah line of weather proof pluck-foam hard cases (Amazon carries them). they come in various sizes but all have interior measurements of at least 6.5-7.5 inches (16.5-19 cm) deep. That should accommodate many eyepieces you would like to store vertically.

  5. Hello, SwiMatt!

    Thanks for the welcome! Michigan manages maybe 2 days a week on average for clear or mostly clear skies, and this summer the temperature has been great. Maybe 5 days total so far reaching 90 degrees (32-33 Celsius). I hope you enjoyed your time at MSU. Great school!

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  6. Nice to be here! I recently began organizing my house, and came across some old astronomy books I purchased 30 odd years ago (when I was last involved with star-gazing), and my interest got renewed. But things have progressed technologically since the days of my Meade 8" f/6 Starfinder with it's accompanying Ortho eyepieces, and I think this may be a great resource to get up to date.

    I look forward to reading posts and gleaning knowledge from all of you experienced amateur astronomers out there!

    Happy skies!


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