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Everything posted by Braganca

  1. So, the problem is: i have taken some moon pics and they're all .dng files. When putting them into PIPP to align the moon on the frames and convert the files to TIFFs, i got the message "failed with errors". This error occurs when i check the "Debayer raw image files" box. The only way i can get it to work and debayer the images is when i check the "Convert colour to monochrome", and then debayer the monochrome frames. Now, this does take out all of my colour info, right? I wanna try to process an mineral moon but if i convert colour to monochrome i simply cannot do that (i guess). I even tried converting the .dng files to .fit files, but when putting those to PIPP i just get a solid grey screen. Does any one know why is this problem happening and how can i process these .dng files without converting them to monochrome frames? 😪 Here is one frame, in case someone is willing to test with it: Moon frame .dng Also, when dowloading this frame, the moon appears with a blue tint to it. How to deal with this? What i get in PIPP:
  2. Yes, I've read something about that last night. I used siril to convert the .dng to .tif files so I can use them. Still not got a chance to stack the new .tif files but I'll try to do it today. Thanks for replying!
  3. I used a 130mm reflector, 650mm focal length. The photos were 1.3s of exposure at 3200 ISO. The format of the files are .dng. I don't know if i was in perfect focus to be honest. I am almost buying the bartinov mask. Besides it, the telescope is not 100% collimated (i don't know how to collimate it further more, i'll problably make a new topic about this some other time). But i tried to make the stars as round as possible.
  4. I took some pics of the lagoon nebula. I used my smartphone to take the pics, using the DeepSkyCamera app. I then brought the pics from my phone to the PC, converted the files from .dng to .fit using Sirl and brought the files to Deep Sky Stacker. When trying to register the frames, it counts 0 stars, so i just can't stack my frames. I've seen some info saying that it could be happening because of the shape of the stars, but at such low threshold, i think it should even be counting noise, hot pixels, etc.
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