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Posts posted by Code

  1. 4 hours ago, vlaiv said:

    Hi and welcome to SGL.

    Look up radial velocity correction on google to find some resources like this one:


    (astropy is a python library for working with astronomical data and above link is documentation where you can find some info on how to calculate and apply this correction).


    Thanks, i knew that there was some technical term which will give me better results


    Also i was shocked for a moment as i thought i had accidentally doxxed myself somehow considering we live in same city. What a coincidence

  2. Hello, this seems like best place to ask. I tried finding information elsewhere but topic is just so obscure that i am unable to get anything. I am curious about whole subject and i hope asking few questions wont be issue. I have cheap telescope as of now but i plan on getting more dedicated when i finish my studies. As of now i enjoy reading about these topics and waiting do things described in few years time. 

    Would it be possible to use spectroscopy and doppler shift form Star spectra over few months to see periodical shift of about 30 kilometers per second as orbit of Earth changes direction in relation to said star? Things i saw while browsing this forum and cloudy nights seem to be far, far more precise yet this is not mentioned. I assume it is just so "normal" that it is not even worth mentioning, in a same way cooking book might skip "turn on the oven" and instead just say "Put temperature at...". Can anybody recommend any blogpost or paper showing said experiment or something similar? How important is correction for doppler shift form orbit? 

    I assume rotation would be washed out by even the most precise equipment 

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