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    Peterborough uk

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  1. Hi I'm Andrew186 I too have a C8 & been advised to get a EQ35 from a friend also F.L.O I'm new to all this as I'm a total beginner. It looks like I'll be paying out about £700 soon to get up & running.
  2. Many thanks for the info. The Celestron C8 is a present so I'll be starting with that & maybe a Star watcher EQ35 mount as advised by First light optics. I'm a total beginner so looking forward to getting started. Andrew186
  3. Hi everyone, I am about to receive a Celestron C8 from a friend but he is keeping his S.W EQZ mount on his other equipment. I am thinking of getting the Star Watcher EQ35 mount . Has anybody got any feedback. Thanks in advance. Andrew186
  4. Many thanks, I'm new to the technology & don't mind paying out for computerised 'Go to' mounts. I want to send images to a laptop or phone & First light Optics are willing to assist once they have a good idea what I want. Also I have only half the sky visible due to where I live. East to South West. So any images will have to be from this sector unless I go to a friends house.
  5. Hi, I am getting a Celestron C8 with various attachments, due pieces & tripod however no mount. Can anybody suggest a good mount for alt azimuth usage. Also if images can be put to a laptop, or smartphone. I've downloaded the celestron sky portal. I am a total beginner but hope to join an Astronomy course in the near future .
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