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Posts posted by davidortenn79

  1. I figure I'm in a real life Truman Show.  You all probably sent a message to the producers to not queue the moon to be lit up tonight.  

    No, I know I'm someone with a pre-K knowledge of astronomy trying to convince intelligent astronomers that this stuff doesn't make sense... lol

  2. Ok, I've been trying to figure this out in my mind.  It doesn't make sense to me.  If it's a clear night and you look up, the moon is always visible.  Might be a partial moon, might be a full moon,  It might be way low in the sky it might be way high... but it's always there.  

    So, the earth orbits the sun.  The moon orbits the earth.  But, when you look up, the moon is always in different spots of the sky.  But, not once, have I looked up, had there be no clouds, and go, where's the moon?  Oh, it must be orbiting earth and it's just on the other side of earth right now.  Sometimes you can see it during the day.  But, it only makes sense, if it's orbiting earth, that quite often, you'd look up and it wouldn't be there because it's on the sunny side of earth at the moment.  Or is the moon just "programmed" to stay on the dark side of earth all the time?  That doesn't make sense.

    • Confused 1
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