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Posts posted by RamJacCorp

  1. Thank you very much, to everyone who responded. While I'm a little disappointed to hear the less-than-stellar reviews of this telescope, it's certainly better than no telescope (maybe). Unfortunately, I have no budget for this hobby, so I can't spend a lot to replace the missing mount and rings (nope, I didn't get the rings, either). Thanks for the suggestion, PeterStuds! I'll look up the dobs base, and see if I can rig something up. Still have to find some rings, though, unless there's a way to come up with a suitable replacement. I wish I could take one of you up on your offer (like MrCat), but since I'm in the US, the shipping would probably kill me. 

  2. The telescope has no tripod or equatorial mount parts. I have the adjusting knobs, the counterweight, lenses, and the telescope. Celestron doesn't sell the parts I'm missing, and online, they're too pricey for my budget (almost as much as buying the whole kit new, after shipping costs).  I was hoping to rig something up so that I could mount it to my old Velbon camera tripod, but I have no idea if that's possible. Does anyone have any recommendations, tips, or tricks up their sleeve that could get this telescope up and running? Thanks in advance for any help! https://www.celestron.com/products/powerseeker-127eq-telescope

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