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Everything posted by Aus10

  1. Thank you guys for your thoughts and insights!
  2. Hello! one of my favorite targets to opserve is the horsehead nebula. I have two different images taken on different nights, one with and one without an UV/IR cut filter. As you can see, in the one without the filter, the triple star system Alnitak has something coming from it. I was surprised, could this possibly have been a gamma ray burst I captured? I captured another image of just the star system (at the bottom, once again no filter) and I didn't see the protrusion this time. I know that GRBs are short but extremely bright events, lasting seconds, minutes, or even longer. Does anyone have any idea what it is that I captured protruding from this star system? Did I capture a gamma ray burst? Thanks! - Austin (Captured with a Seestar S50 Smart telescope)
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