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Posts posted by kilteddave53

  1. I, recently, received a MI StarNavigator 102mm (#20099) telescope Audiostar...the scope had been sitting for a while and the battery pack was missing, the 9v connector was corroded...I ordered a new battery pack and 9v connector...I used brand new alkiline batteries and 2032 button batteries as needed...

    The Audiostar is the problem...lights come on, but there is not display and none of the buttons seem to work...manually, the scope works beautifully but I'd like to see how the Audiostar controller works...

    Any suggestions?

  2. Hi everyone...I'm, Dave, a 70 year old newbie to Astronomy...I've always loved using my naked eye to look at the Cosmos, having been lucky enough to spend a year on a small Pacific Atoll, with almost no ambient light to ruin my view...I've seen the Green Flash many times there...I also spent almost a year in the Saudi desert when after the rare rain storms and the sky was clear, I could go to the roof of my villa to enjoy the sky...to this day, I'm sorry I didn't have a scope...

    Fortunately, I've been gifted a Meade StarNavigator 102mm Refractor and can't wait for a moonlit night...the scope itself, is in very good shqpe...the Audiostar needs a little TLC, which i can take care of...

    Waiting for my back to heal so I can take it to one of the area parks for a night of pleasurable viewing...

  3. I must have an oder model as there is no 12v adapter anywhere on the mount...battery connector is wired properly and batteries are brand new alkalines..the 2032 button battery is new as well...the connector was very tarnished when I picked up the scope....I cleaned it as best as I could...there is enough good contact surface to work, unless the 12v connector has a broken wire...I can always go to Lowes and pick one up (I have a basic electronics background so replacing  the connector is a breeze)...fortunately none of these items are super expensive...I'm just hoping the audiostar circuit board isn't shorted out...

    The scope is in good shape and, unfortunately, the moon isn't visible here in Maryland at this time...my sun filter hasn't arrived yet either...I've had recent back surgery so taking the scope out isn't feasible until next week...

    Thanks for a quick response...I'll get the new battery connector tomorrow....as I said, fortunately the scope moves smoothly and the red dot works...

  4. I was gifted a MI 102mm Refractor Telescope...when I received it, the scope had been sitting a while...it was missing the 8 battery pack and 2032 button battery...I ordered a replacement battery pack, bought some 2032 batteries, cleaned up the battery terminals and installed the fresh batteries..the Audtheater Controller does not work..even with new batteries, the red power LED doesn't illuminate...

    Any suggestions would be very helpful

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