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Kevin Peat

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Posts posted by Kevin Peat

  1. On 15/01/2024 at 12:23, bosun21 said:

    If I were you I would stick with the 130p. You really wouldn't notice the jump to the 150p. With a focal length of 650mm you would want to get some shorter focal length eyepieces like a 4mm Nirvana which would give you 167x which would be good for the planets and moon with a wider FOV(less nudging).You could also get a 2x barlow for your existing eyepieces depending on what size they actually are.

    I got the 4mm Nirvana. Perfect !  (I already use a Barlow.)



  2. Thanks G

    I have to be realistic here. I got the telescope to look at the moon. I was happy doing so through some binoculars. Then I pointed my scope towards Jupiter and Saturn and have started to get a bit greedy for sharpness and detail. I'm well aware that to approach a Hubble experience one is probably better off joining a club. The nearest to me is Torquay Grammar school where my boys were educated and where I got to see one of their graduates, Chris Lintott do a presentation. 


    I got to ask him through a mic before a 500 member audience of a projection of a galaxy on the display screen "See that bright orangy bit in the middle. If we lived there would we need to wear sunglasses in bed ?" Cue much laughter from the audience. 

    His answer, of course, was that we couldn't because of all the heat and radiation. 

  3. Hi,


    This is my first posting here. 


    I bought myself a really nice Skywatcher Heritage 130p just to get into occasional viewing when sky and 'seeing' permit. I love it !!! This telescope has infected me with 'the bug' !!!

    My one and only regret is that I didn't buy the 150p version. I didn't know the difference when I was searching for my first telescope. I've done the upgrades and bought some juicy eyepieces. 

    If it were my own choice I'd have both telescopes as money isn't really the problem with me. My wife is the problem. She hates clutter !!!

    I don't really want to get into anything I can't carry from front to back garden. 

    So. Is the upgrade worth me selling on my 130p and buying the 150p ?  I know that there's about 30% more light capture to be had  but is this really going to improve my level of satisfaction by 30% ?  If I did not know that the 150p existed I'd probably be perfectly happy with my 130p. It's not about the view but about the 'finding' and the confirmation that I've found *it*.  "There it is ! I can see the rings, stripes, moons..."  I know I'm not going to get a Hubble experience from a back yard scope and that I can get all of that online anyway. 

    Or should I trade my wife ?  She's very pretty and has a good figure for her age... well.. any age really. Plus, she'd take half of my telescope money (and the dog) with her !!!



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