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Posts posted by jamenx

  1. 23 hours ago, Stuart1971 said:

    Yes a dilemma it is….personally, the scope should be good without the need to fix with software, if it was me I would  return, no doubt…it’s not as it should be and so not fit for purpose….

    What would you do if there was not BlurX, that is your answer….👍🏻

    I have contacted the supplier and sent the attached to subs. They said it could be a manufacturing defect, but also said it could be tilt and referred to the top right hand corner of each image where the stars have a more uniform look.

    They are going to contact William Optics, but suggest I do try to adjust the tilt to see if that helps.



  2. Thanks for all the info. I’ve checked the individual subs and it is noticeable in all four corners in each sub. 

    I’ve also tried Blur X and it does indeed fix this completely in the final image.

    I’m in a bit of dilemma now whether to send it back for a replacement, which presumably could have the same issue? Or just correct with Blur X…

  3. Hey, hoping someone can help me with some star trails (see attached stacked image). This is the second time out with a completely new rig, so I am still getting to grips with everything.

    Redcat 51, AIS2600MC Pro, AM5 mount. 

    Images: 37 - 300 sec lights, 30 - darks, 30 - flats and 100 - bias.

    I have star trails at each corner moving away from the centre. What's the most likely reason for this? I am still getting used the mount and setup so only did a very quick polar alignment and my guide cam was not fully focused if that makes any difference.

    Thanks James



  4. 8 hours ago, Fegato said:

    sorry - should have added, if you weren't aware (not sure), Aurora panels are a particular make of flat panel by Gerd Neumann - see https://www.gerdneumann.net/english/astrofotografie-parts-astrophotography/aurora-flatfield-panels/uebersicht-aurora-flatfield-panels-overview.html

    Ah ha that makes more sense. I was looking at what appear to be light ceiling panels! Thanks for your help, I have just ordered one so will see if it helps.

  5. Hey

    Beginner here. I managed to try out my new rig for the first time last night: Redcat 51, AM5, ASI2600MC Pro and optolong L-extreme. Spent most the evening just trying to get everything working, but I did eventually get some images of M42. I had already taken my darks (30) and biases (100) which I think are ok, but at the end of the session I took my flats using a white laptop screen held up to scope - probably not ideal.

    I used the Asiair plus auto setting to take 30 flats. They came out about 10 seconds long, then I tried again at a higher brightness which came out at 2.4 seconds long. When I stack the images I get strong red and green vignetting (see below) whichever flats I use.

    When I just stack the lights I don't get this issue so I think it must be my calibration images. I have been able to remove this processing the images, but I'd like to try and sort it out before that. Any ideas would be much appreciated!




  6. Hello!

    Nice to meet you all. Just returning after a 12 year break from astrophotography! Very much a beginner still.

    My old rig was a skywatcher 150PDS, EQ 3-2 mount & Cannon 550D. Plus a makeshift guiding system using an old PC webcam. I was on a very tight budget back then in my late 20’s and remember spending many, many long nights trying to get it all working.

    Now in my early 40’s and in a much better position financially, but with less free time, I’ve just pulled the trigger on a redcat 51, ZWO AM5 & asi2600mc pro, plus all the ZWO guiding & focusing accessories that will hopefully make life a little easier this time round.

    FLO has a 15-20 working day estimate on some parts, so just reading up as much as I can in the meantime.

    Very excited to see what’s changed in the past decade.  Here are a few pictures from my old rig!







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