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Posts posted by wildman

  1. Hello,

    Following the advice of a poster on here, I invested in the ZWO Seestar.

    For starters, I have been able to take some pretty nice photos of the moon with it. I haven't got to grips with changing the settings but am I right in thinking that the next stage would be to stack the images?

    Presumably this takes several photos of the same image to layer them and reduce the noise? Do I require specific software for this? If so, what?

    Grateful for any advice.


  2. On 12/04/2024 at 20:21, ollypenrice said:

    I've collaborated with my friend Tom O'Donoghue and sold astro prints we've imaged together, though Tom did all the marketing and website construction. I won't link to his website out of respect for the forum rules, or the spirit of those rules. The image in which I collaborated had 400 hours of capture and probably a month's full time work in processing. It was also runner up in the APOTY competition.

    I have, though, made a satisfactory living out of astrophotography, but not by selling my images. My images have been the 'advertisements' which publicized my astronomy guest house and imaging workshops and I've also generated income by being asked by magazines to write feature articles on aspects of AP.

    One thing's for sure: I would not try to sell any image which did not contain something new, something not seen in any existing images. Over the last fifteen years that might leave me with about five images which meet this requirement, so not many!

    Sometimes I get nice messages from folks who ask if they might buy an image from me and, if the images are only mine (I do a lot of collaborations) I usually just give them away.


    Hello, any idea whether somebody like Tom would put the prints in the post himself or is it something that is outsourced?


  3. Hello,

    I fortuitously live in one of the darkest places in the world so I'm keen to establish a setup to capture images of the moon and Messier objects.

    Whilst I do have experience of stargazing and capturing images (I have cool picture of the Orion Nebula that I took), I don't have any of my own gear. I'm therefore looking to purchase a suitable camera, telescope, EQ mount etc.

    Any suggestions would therefore be much appreciated.


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