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Posts posted by toriqo

  1. i've just encountered an issue in PHD. i don't know if it's either my fault or my mount is acting up.

    i'm using a nexstar 6se aligned on 2 stars, Polaris and Vega, then switched to Polaris and Deneb.

    when i tried calibrating PHD on Deneb, it goes W, E, N, then when it goes S, the star just starts going "up" pretty fast, due to drifting and the auto guiding is ruined.

    and this happens for other stars as well. but when i've calibrated PHD on Polaris, everything went smooth.

    any idea if i can change PHD's settings, somewhere, so the last direction it uses to be N, instead of S, so i can get rid of the drift?

    i should mention the alignment was perfect, bringing everything dead center, when using the mount's GO TO.

    the mount is Alt/Az, btw.



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