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Everything posted by HaplessWonder

  1. I seem to be quite ok with targeting and focusing on objects although I have barely had any clear skies to point it at beyond the moon and Jupiter. An issue I do have is the tracking on the motorised mount. I thought this would mean the scope would track the object in view but it does not. This is after following the setup procedure. Still to buy the 5mm BST Starguider ED as I want to learn the basics before splashing out any more money. Clear skies
  2. Quite right about motor v manual!, I thought it would allow me to move the scope without power supply but seems not as with power it moves so precisely. Now I want to focus, literally on what it is I can see, just need the right weather!
  3. I have been looking at similar but right now they are outside my budget, I will stick with the mount I have which is much better with the motor than manual. The battery pack was faulty that came with it but I now have it plugged into a portable power station and it works fantastically.
  4. I really appreciate the time you take to provide this level of detailed information, there is a heck of a lot to learn. I have a childlike excitement for observing the cosmos and the objects within it, I am awestruck being able to observe with my own eyes, the endless wonder of I am seeing. I am saying this because I came in on that approach and only now is the sobering reality on me that I need to get into the tech side of it! Like everything, the more you put in, the more you get out. I think I resolved my mount simply by having it plugged into the mains, with the remote I can control the movement with some precision without 'backlash'. This is a long, road for me and I am excited about it, I see me getting bigger and more capable scopes but for now I will cut my teeth with this one.
  5. Fantastic advice, I will look at the 5mm BST Starguider. I dont mind paying if the results are worth it.
  6. 25mm 12mm 10mm 6.3mm 2x Barlow lens Meade 2x telenegative Amplifier Not getting much by way of clear sky right now, but last night I glimpsed Jupiter and Sirius, Jupiter appears almost washed out with white light but I see that quite clearly albeit small, it's moons also apparent with reflected sunlight. I doubt I can see much clearer than this. Sirius and Betelgeuse, I focus carefully but they never resolve to a crisp point, I mean for what I am using it is maybe the expected result. They appear with a bluish tinge and seem to pulse a little. A problem I do have is the mount - it just has up and down movement but it appears loose so when I have an aim and let go of the scope it drops so Ill need to look at why that is, maybe another mount.
  7. Managed to poke a look through the clouds yesterday and saw the fantastic sight of Jupiter with her gases! Her moons also, superb. I want to know what the best eyepiece is for observing the planets in their optimum, also I noticed chromatic aberration, is there anything I can do about that?
  8. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who advised and helped me on this telescope, it has now been returned to the seller. Particular thanks to @Mandy D for his detailed opinions. I have a replacement scope, not as large - a 130mm Skywatcher reflector, motorised, it seems to be perfect for what I want. Thanks once again chaps and wishing you clear skies! Barry
  9. Im indebted to you for all your help, I am an idiot for jumping in on this telescope believing it a good deal. Could you advise on a telescope for a budget of around £500-£600 that will allow me to observe the planets and galaxies, I'd at least like to see the swirling gases on Jupiter or as I said before the poles on Mars.
  10. With the vane and pin as it is, does that actually cause an issue? I will now be sending this back but I will be without a telescope, I am now looking at a Celestron NexStar 6SE, it seems to offer everything we wanted.
  11. Here is a closer shot of that mounting point you highlighted, I asked another forum user above the same, the vane itself is bent as if folded at one time. As for the focus puller, should it be so stiff and hard to move? it's like there is grit or rust gripping or catching it inside. The wheel with the holes which appears to turn a gear that moves the focuser in and out does work with some force but the motorised unit now longer functions even with a new battery.
  12. About those vanes, I am enclosing clearer pics of the ones Mandy D zeroed in on, to the touch I can feel an actual crimp in that vane as if it has been bent to put a fold in it. What impact does this have?
  13. Thats what Im looking to do, so far the seller has just quoted a 'sold as seen' so will be fun to get this returned now, I am fine as ebay rules for used state that the item is in good working order, which it doesnt appear to be.
  14. Fantastic advice, thanks a lot. I am going to look to return it as there are too many questions I have about it. Which means I am back in the market for a good scope that will get me nice close ups to at least see the poles on Mars, Jupiter's spot and maybe it's clouds and ofc Saturn's rings. If I can push it so I could also observe galaxies that would be the perfect scope for me. Thanks Barry
  15. I have paid £245 for it as is, which right now am thinking it is too much but I will be guided by what you say, if you say this a is a good telescope. The focuser turns the vertical bar, is that the drive for the gear I assume? anyway, it turns one way but not the other. The bar turns but the actual focus itself does not move with the turning. So two things there, it only turns one way and the focus itself isnt actually moved. Eyepieces I own a NEEWER PLOSSL 25MM which I have inserted, I can see blurry images but cannot get anything in focus at all, maybe the objects are too close. What would be a reasonable price for this telescope?
  16. It was listed as a 250PX and as an addition the seller stated 'I am told it is 8' - maybe I was too hasty and should have checked into it. So, you say it is a good telescope? It certainly feels it from weight and size alone. But those accessories, the focuser, it has a 9v battery which I have tested and it is a good battery, however none of the buttons do anything at all, I would expect the eyepiece part to move around but nothing. At this stage I just want to see if all is well with it, if the motorised focuser isnt working itll be a return as he stated it was fully working. The laser pointer has also good batteries but pushing the button nothing appears when I aim at a wall, expecting a red dot. I really appreciate your help, me and the wife are so keen to just sit romantically gazing upwards so we just want a good scope that will do this. Not a problem with the mount as it looks a simple DIY project, it's the basics I need to check work first. The mirror looks sound, little dust but sound.
  17. Hi Mandy, it's arrived but I have to say I feel somewhat disappointed. Maybe it is my rush to grab it from ebay. Anyway, here are some pics of it and it's features, I am unsure now that this is a 250PX as per the listing as google searches show a different model. I would like to test it if I can with what I have, there must be some way to. It doesnt have a mount but if I can at least test it to see that it all works.
  18. Ill have to take a look when the scope gets here, I'm not sure if bearings are needed or where the balance point is etc, I will consider it.
  19. I think this is what I am going to have to do, the DIY route. Have to be a tradesman with my DIY skills. Thanks for the suggestion.
  20. Hello, I have just rush bought a Skywatcher 250PX and only after payment have I seen in the description that there is no stand. I am gutted! I am usually so careful with listings and bids. I just read the original mount that would come with the telescope arent available separately so what stands or mounts are compatible with this telescope? Me and my partner are enthusiasts so are not wanting to be all flash, we just wanted to gaze at the planets and nearby objects as clearly as possible. Appreciate any advice. B.
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