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Everything posted by JackW07

  1. One of my good friends recently started on a project, he plans on taking around 4-5 minutes of exposure time of Jupiter (Through his 11 in Schmidt-Cassegrain) and The Pleiades, he then plans on taking photos of the space in between these objects to create an ultra panorama that include a detailed photo of both Jupiter and The Pleiades. I can't wait to see the results But everything aside, how many things do you see could go wrong/will be a problem, with this project? He seems to believe this will go perfectly and he will have no problems. Best, Jack
  2. I just got into astronomy, and I love looking up at the night sky through my tiny little Orion Skyscanner, but there is the caveat that I can never find what I'm looking for in the night sky unless it's Jupiter, Saturn, and the moon. I have trouble finding dim objects even with a sky atlas and other resources. I'm no good at star hopping, but I am trying to learn. Do you guys have any other methods of finding dim objects with a 3-4 inch telescope? If so please don't hesitate to tell me about them. Thanks all
  3. I have recently gotten into astronomy*, and I am wondering if there are any real good YouTube channels out there to help beginners with information and recommendations. I already know of Ed Ting (my personal favorite) Damon Scotting (funny bloke with a nice personality) AstroBackyard nebula photos and astrobiscut Have you guys got any other recommendations? Thanks!
  4. I have recently purchased an 8-inch Dobsonian telescope, and am wondering wether its worth it to buy 1 or 2 Barlow lenses, If so which magnification should I go for? Thanks much
  5. The Vey first image ive ever took of Andromeda, it appears as a star with a blob around it near the center of the photo. This was taken on a Iphone 11
  6. I'm located in the northern hemisphere. Wondering if there are any real good targets for a beginner Thanks!
  7. Hey all Thanks for responding to my post quickly and with good recommendations! I noticed that I did make a mistake in the original post as I meant to say I wanted to view deep sky objects not take pictures. Would an 8-inch Dob work for this? Also would a dob like this work for planetary viewing too? One more thing, is the StarSense App worth the buy? to anyone who has experience with this program, does it work well? As I am an amateur Skygazer I'm not great at locating things. I've recently bought a book or two and I am getting better, but I do think it would be a nice perk to be able to use this app. Thanks again Jack
  8. I have been looking around for telescopes for a while. Specifically, a telescope that can take nice bright photos of deep-sky objects. I have settled on the 8-inch StarSense Dobsonian from Celestron, as it is only 800 dollars and I'm on a tight budget. (<$800) I'm wondering if there really is THAT big of a difference between the 8 and 10-inch versions when it comes to viewing and if so, should I push my budget to get the telescope?
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