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Posts posted by bess

  1. Hey fellow astrophotographers,

    I'm planning a trip to Tenerife with a couple of friends for some astrophotography, and I have a few concerns I'd like to address. I'm hoping that some of you with experience can offer advice and insights into making this trip successful.

    Transporting Equipment: One of my primary concerns is how to transport our astrophotography equipment safely. I have some delicate and expensive gear, and I want to make sure it arrives in one piece. Any tips on packing, airline regulations, or protective cases would be greatly appreciated.

    Best Value for Money Places: Tenerife is known for its dark skies, making it an excellent location for astrophotography. However, I want to find a spot that offers a good balance between cost and quality. Are there any specific locations on the island that you've found to be a great value for astrophotography? I'd love to hear about your experiences and any cost-effective accommodations or camping sites.

    Local Regulations: It's essential to be aware of any local regulations or guidelines for astrophotography in Tenerife. If you've been there recently, please share any insights regarding permits, light pollution, or other considerations.

    How to obtain power: Obviously we can't take our big power packs on the plane so stumbles as to how we can go about powering our equipment while out in the sticks

    Weather and Best Time to Visit: Tenerife's weather can be quite variable. When is the best time to visit for astrophotography, considering the least amount of cloud cover and atmospheric stability? Any specific months or seasons to aim for?

    Tips for Astrophotography in Tenerife: Any general tips or experiences related to astrophotography in Tenerife would be highly valuable. What kind of celestial objects can one expect to capture, and are there any unique challenges or opportunities?

    I would greatly appreciate any advice or recommendations from those who have had firsthand experience with astrophotography in Tenerife. Your insights will not only help me but also fellow astrophotographers looking to embark on a similar journey.

    Thanks in advance for your help, and I'm looking forward to your responses! 🌌📷

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  2. 18 hours ago, Elp said:

    Tbh considering how small the mount is you could use anything as long as there's sufficient padding inside and around it when it's packed away, thick yoga matts are great for this as they're dirt cheap and you can cut to size, or get pick and pluck foam to suit the container. I pack my whole azgti and refractor setup into a 50L bag which I can carry on my back, due to the size it's not too much hassle assembling and disassembling every time. If you're in a high humidity environment it'd help to wipe the equipment down and keep large dessicant sachets within the packaging to absorb damp. Tripod should usually be carried separately either freehand or in its own bag if it's a reasonable size.

    Awesome! Thank you so much for the advice. Just curious as to why the tripod should be carried separately?

  3. Hello fellow astronomy enthusiasts!

    I hope you're all doing well. I'm looking for some advice and recommendations on how to pack my newly purchased Sky-Watcher Star Adventure mount and tripod more compactly and securely. I believe it will be a bit of a hassle to load and unload these items from my vehicle, and I'd like to streamline the process.

    I've been toying with the idea of investing in a sturdy plastic case and using foam inserts to secure the mount and tripod within it. This way, I can keep everything together and protected during transit. However, I'm not entirely sure about the specifics of this approach or if there might be better options out there.

    One concern I have is moisture. While I plan to store my equipment indoors when not in use, during transit, it could spend several hours in the case. I intend to wipe everything down before placing it in the case to minimize the risk of moisture damage, but I'm curious if anyone else has faced this issue and how you've dealt with it.

    Have any of you tried packing your Sky-Watcher Star Adventure mount and tripod in a more compact and convenient way? Do you have any suggestions, tips, or product recommendations? I'd love to hear about your experiences and learn from your wisdom.

    Your insights and advice will be greatly appreciated as I work to make my stargazing adventures more efficient and enjoyable. Thank you in advance for your help!

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