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Everything posted by PanaVision

  1. Hello, Q1. New here.. I'm considering purchasing the SEESTAR S50 scope. I want to also be able to post-process images in SIRIL to achieve my final results. I'm wanting to get ahead of the curve (no pun intended) and learn the post process in Siril before making my purchase. Does anyone (is anyone willing) to let me have a copy of their RAW astro files? .. not bothered what nebulae you shot so long as it's a good example, need biases, darks, flats, lights so I can learn how to post process these. A stacked file would be good too.. but really want to learn the whole process. Any help appreciated here. UPDATE: I'm not sure if the S50 can output the individual frames for darks, flats, lights etc.. but if you've got some FIT files that would be good. Q2. Is the ASIStudio better for post work with the S50 than SIRIL? If we're just processing pre stacked FIT files. is SIRIL overkill? Thanks.
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