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Posts posted by Dionysus

  1. I'm in the same situation...I have a Star Adventurer and want something that can support more payload and is a go-to mount.   I have a back and knees that no longer want to polar align 'the old-fashioned way." I am looking at the EQM-35, but it gets a lot of criticism about poor go-to precision with the handheld controller., and also about very tight/stiff RA and DEC movement. But I like its light weight (9#). Whatever I get, I think it will be combined with the ASI Air so I can polar align and use its go-to functions, and auto-guiding too.

    Good luck with your search!

  2. I plan to image Pleiades soon (and for the first time ever) from my backyard. I have a modified Nikon mirrorless and was asking the veteran imagers here if that is a good idea, or not. I recently had the mod done on the camera, so I have no experience with it yet. FWIW, I'll be using the Star Adventurer, Red Cat 51, Optolong L-Pro filter (brightly light subdivision).  Thank you for your replies.

  3. Hello all, just joined this morning. I am retired and took up landscape photography for a hobby, and my interest has grown to astro as well. I shoot Nikon Z for landscape, and using the same for astro, but I would like to "graduate" (LOL) to a dedicated camera at some point. Like most, I started with just a camera and tripod, then got a Star Adventurer late last year. Weather and family illness have prevented me from using it extensively, but hopefully the coming months will be kinder. 

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