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Posts posted by Goldypoker

  1. Hello all,

    First time poster here! Hope I’m not too late for the party, especially when it relates to the OPs topic!🥂

    I was hoping with the successful outcome of this thread for the OP, I might also find some solutions for my various issues.

    I too have found myself overwhelmed by the proprietary Takahashi coupling system that makes usage of the FC100DZ with various non Takahashi products problematic…not to mention, even some combinations of TAK products without the correct adapters that are not included (and difficult to source, to say the very least😬) as part of the standard kit of accessories 

    For myself, I would prefer a system of Baader clicklock accessories, and in anticipation of the scopes arrival I purchased a few odds and ends that are commonly recommended for the scope (especially wrt/a potential Baader visual train solution). I have also purchased a few TAK accessories, figuring that just in case I am unable to find solutions within my preferred Baader based optical train…I can at least find something that should work, if even for only 1.25 EPs. With this last point in mind, I purchased both the TAK 1.25 diagonal as well as the 4 slot EP turret. At the very least, the visual chart for the scope suggests that the turret will be able to provide sufficient focus travel/light path to bring *most* 1.25 EPs to focus using just the parts that came with the scope.


    The non TAK accessories I have purchased are as follows;

    2” Baader clicklock prism diagonal (w/1.25” adapter):

    -this may have been a costly error, as most DZ systems I have seen “in the wild” appear to use the 2” T2 baader prism diagonal without the clicklock. Also, perhaps the 2” mirror clicklock would be more appropriate for usage with the scope in 2” mode, as opposed to the prism version? Either way, I hope there is a way to salvage this component, as I really prefer the clicklock system for (preferably) both 2” and 1.25” EPs. That being said, if there is simple (ie: using included components only) way to rectify the 2” clicklock version prism issue with a switch to a different version of the baader 2” prism, it might be more cost effective to go that route. Especially if the solution provides me enough latitude to bring most 2” and 1.25” EPs to focus using it🙏🏻
    Certainly, I can always find a use for the 2” clicklock prism elsewhere (hmm, the 9.25 f/10 sct will thank me!)

    Baader 2” clicklock clamps, both the M72 and the M64 versions:

    -in case I want to attach the clamp directly to the focus tube, or just back of same. From what I’ve been able to research, the shorter light path of the M64 version is more conducive to bring binoviewers to focus with a broader range of Eps and lessor usage of supporting accessories (GPCs, barlow,PMs, etc). I am curious about dabbling in Binoviewing, as all reports I read from users seem uniformly positive…provided the optical train setup is workable and the collimation is good.


    Baader m68 extension tube (20mm): maybe another mistake…heard it might help with some setups. Let’s hope so, it was one of few available ext tubes for the Baader system.


    Anyways, given the two Tak components (1.25 diagonal/4 slot turret), the included accessories with the scope (listed in the DZ visual chart above in this thread), and the above noted components….I was hoping to finalize any additional components I may require to (hopefully) finalize the following setups:


    BINOVIEWING: I am a complete newb in this regard, but have heard so many positive reports about the experience that to not do so with a superlative scope such as the DZ would be a astrological crime against humanity. That being said, I have no clue about which binoviewer and or supporting optical train would be best suited for the scopes abilities or the ease of accessibility to the various additional components required to pull it off. 
    While I would appreciate any advice in this regard (Binoviewer choice/optical train advise, etc), it is really secondary to my main concern….being able to focus a wide arrange of EPs in both a 1.25” and 2” mode (and within the clicklock environment if possible).


    1.25” VISUAL MODE: TAK turret *should* at least be able to take care of business with the included components until I can get the necessary couplings to make the tak 1.25” prism diagonal work. Even still, the clicklock 1.25 baader is also tempting. I assume it comes in a prism version as well? Any other suggestions would be most appreciated! As I am located in North America, I don’t have the same access to tkp00103 part 14 (non S type) that is found more easily in European markets. Any  additional solutions and/or suggestions by which to get the TAK 1.25 prism to the correct light path for optimal visual usage with 1.25” EPs?

    If I can’t get any workable solution beyond what I (* think I*) have now, I will probably begin with the TAK turret and the recommended optical train listed in the system chart for visual (no additional components required). I was hoping to use my 18.2, 5, 4 and 3 mm Delites…although based on some previous comments here some Delites seem to be problematic for this config? Any thoughts/advice?


    2” VISUAL MODE: As related above, any combo of diagonals (prism or mirror) that will ensure getting to focus with the majority of commonly used 2” EPs (and preferably, 1.25s with adapter). If I can do it with the equipment I already have…great! If not, what advise would you offer to get me there given what I can readily access.

    EP SELECTION: I tend to lean heavily on the TV side of EPs…..Ethos and Delos for mid range mags (14-10mm), Delites for high mag (3-5mm) and both the 41 panoptic/18.2 Delite for low to med low mag range. I also have the Baader (with barlow) and APM zooms, and a few pentax XWs for when I’m manually tracking.

    Any suggestions wrt/EPs that will enhance the DZ experience in any of the above modes?

    Sorry for the overly long post, but it’s quite painful see this beauty just sitting here and barely being able to tap it’s potential because of the difficulty in acquiring the necessary parts. I have seen many potentially workable solutions depicted here in this post, but unfortunately they do not list the specific components of the optical train and I am unable to piece it together from the pictures.  I am hoping the collective goodwill of the SGL network will provide me assistance in my optical uncertainty😢


    Any comments/advice/insights would be appreciated!









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