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Posts posted by rsmith6621a

  1. 21 minutes ago, Elp said:

    An issue with what you're trying to do. The asiair uses the equatorial coordinate system, by the sounds of it you're trying to use an alt az system with it. Someone mentioned this around two weeks ago, I didn't think it was possible to use an alt az with it but apparently it is.

    Secondly, you generally use the asiair polar alignment routine, but whether it works it down to the above paragraph, you don't polar align with an alt az mount, you level tripod/mount, face true north, then do a two to three star alignment with it, again this doesn't apply to when using the asiair.

    So is the AsiAir Mini basically a an in-affective tool with my system?

  2. Thanks all for the help.

    Another question regarding alignment with the SW 150P Virtuoso. Do I do the alignment with the Virtuoso/Synscan or do I do the Polar Align of the Mini.

    And,.  I have done a North level alignment with the Virtuoso and when I go to the sky atlas inside of the Asiair mini and choose a star/planet it points to 180ish degrees away. Is there a reason why? Should I make another thread about this issue.

    Thanks Again.



  3. In the last 3 weeks I have purchased three pricey additions to my stargazing tools.

    1. Skywatcher 150P Virtuoso

    2. ZWO ASI 678MC camera

    3. ZWO ASIAir Mini

    I know how to operate the Virtuoso and 678MC. I need some help with understand the flow in using the ASIAir mini APP. to capture images. I will be using a 9.7 inch Ipad  6th Gen to  control all of this.

    Also, I gather that attaching a USB  flashdrive is to substitute to using an SD card. 

    So if you have knowledge of a good Youtube video or text on the flow to using this , please post a link.  I will be appreciative.

    Thank you.

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