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Posts posted by VirgoCluster25

  1. Recently i got a telescope since i have been into astroamny for a few years now but never looked through one. So last night i set it up and i found a galaxy cluster and i pointed it at the moon ect. But i wanted to do something during the day. First thing that came to mind was the sun. But of course i need solar filters. My telescope is a celestron but i was very cautous on solar filters since if i get the wrong on or set it up wrong then ima be blind for life after pointing it at the sun. So i need advice for setting up the solar filters and what ones to get ect. Any help would be helpfull.

  2. On 17/04/2023 at 13:11, wulfrun said:

    First off, you mean "observable universe" i.e. what we can actually see, in theory at least. The universe is thought to be infinite.

    The reason it's 93 billion ly (or whatever the currrent estimate is) is because the universe is expanding and has been all throughout time. So things that were far away are now even further - but when light left them they were near enough to be within the "observable" distance.

    if the universe is already infinate then is the observable universe expanding at the speed of light or do you mean that you universe itself is infinate because its infinatly expanding? Because if its because its infinatly expanding then i mean at the moment its 93 billion ly in diamiter. Its not exact but its estimated.

  3. if the universe is expadning slower then the speed of light acording to you then it should be smaller then 13.7 bly. And virgo cluster being 5 million light years in diamiter if that and the universe is flat completly it would take up 0.005% of the universe. {Correct me if my maths was wrong} if the universe was 93 bil. if its 13.7 bil then it could take up 0.05% of the universe {if they where completly flat and the last one is not to scale and is probably wrong but it was a guess}. But i know alot of you will say that it is expanding at the speed of light and it cannot take up a percentage of something thats expanding. But it would take 1 billion years until it becomes 94 billion years. So if it stopped expanding then virgo cluster being 5 million years in diamiter should take up the percentage said. But why am i telling you about this virgo cluster stuff. Well if currently the universe is straveling slower then light its less then 27.4billion light years diamiter {Because its 13.7 light years from the centre expanding from all side} then its scientificaly less then 13.7 billion light years making virgo cluster insanley large.

  4. Google has told me that the universe is 93 billion lightyears in diameter and I was also taught it was expanding at the speed of light. But I was also taught it was 13.7 billion years old meaning it must be at least around 27 billion light years in diameter so is you universe 93 billion years old  or is it 27 billion light years in diameter. What do you guys think?  

  5. Thank you but black is not a colour.. And if there is nothing in my hand we see the colours past the nothing ness. So nothing is colour technacly. For we see the colour past nothing. Nothing cant be seen right? If nothing is in my hand you will still see nothing. What if vision was light a painting? We dont see objects but we do see the colour of the object. Yet if there is no drawing on the paper it would be white.  Its a very confusing topic.


  6. Personaly to start of i have been interested in galaxy clusters for there enormous sizes. Virgo cluster is my favourite of which is a cluster with mroe than 2,000 galaxies and it is a whopping 5 million light years in diamiter. to compare with the observable universe is 93 billion light years in diamiter meaning the virgo cluster in diamiter takes up 0.005% of the universe in diamiter. Also heres an interesting topic. What do you think will happen to earth when the milky way colides with andromina?

  7. So i have had a debate with a friend on what nothing looks like. One side of the arguement was that it was linked to space being that if we had absolutly nothing. No atmosphere. Litterally nothing it would be black since in space when there is a space with nothing there it would be black. But also the universe is expanding into nothing of which we looked into blind people who see everything blury and then some see absolutly nothing which could be there eyesight is just so blury that they can only see a single colour which could be white. And both black and white are not colours but tints or shades. But the other side of the arguement was that nothing is nothing and thats that. And nothing doesnt look like anything. What do you guys think?

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