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Posts posted by di0de

  1. Hello all,

    I was pointed here by @jmdl101 when I asked if he had any leads on an MC004 over on CN. I had some issues with a Flextube 200p that I just picked up used... tried updating the firmware via wifi dongle and it failed repeatedly. Synscan hand control was unreponsive and I couldn't update it or reach the motor controllers via serial cable. I have spent the last couple of days digesting this incredible thread and I'm happy to say my issue is resolved! It wasn't as dire as some of those that Malcolm et al have helped but it sure had me worried for a while when Skywatcher's "solution" was to buy a new base for $700 USD + tax and shipping... available in April or May.

    I learned a heck of a lot about how these scopes are engineered (if you want to call it that...) and I will be extra careful not to make any of the mistakes (if you want to call them that!) that others have made. Many thanks to you awesome folks for dedicating your time to helping others. I will create a separate thread sharing my issue and solution in case others get caught in the same situation in the future.

    Cheers from Canada! (It will be -13 and clear tomorrow night and I'm looking forward to getting my first view of Mars :D).

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